Challenge #03114-H205: What Was I Talking About?


Never, never, get an obsessed person talking about their favourite subject. -- Anon Guest

[AN: The alternative is to always encourage a person to talk about something they love, but I guess that's a matter of perspective]

"I mean yeah they had cardboard sets and easily recognisable props, and plotlines that were scraping the barrel, but it had heart. Like they knew they were doing the best with the little they had and they were pulling every trick they had their hands on to make it work. They were trying so hard and it shows. This wasn't even shoestring budget. More like spiderweb budget."

Kraznark the interrogator wondered if ze should initiate a tag team system. It had been five hours and this Human had yet to reach the end of their rant about debatably terrible science fiction features. Without, apparently, pausing for breath, water, or food.

"It's the ones with the spiderweb budgets that have the most heart, you know? Like, they had nothing but an idea and a handful of buddies willing to pull something out of their collective asses and it shows... but there's a good concept and everyone's behind it one thousand percent. Like, there's no way in the world that high-ticket studios can even try to catch that lightning in a bottle."

"A moment, please," said Kraznark. Ze tried to pretend ze was not fleeing the room.

"Yeah sure take your time," the Human gestured with shackled hands. "It's not as if I'm going anywhere." Then, came the threat. "I could talk about this for months."

Kraznark locked the door and triple-checked it was secure before sliding to the floor and whimpering. "Have they mentioned... anything... that was relevant or actionable?"

Information Specialist Teng was jotting things down. "Uuuhhh... not about strategy." A nervous display of diverting plumage. "On the other hand, I do have an extended list of -er- educational material? To view in my leisure time."

"This is not about your Watch Later queue! This is about extracting information about troop movements and ship deployment."

"Uh," Informatiton Specialist Zorq checked their notes. "That thread of information petered out in the first ten minutes. The rest of this time has been spent on... ancient Terran... sci fi..."

"They should at least be getting weary. Or hungry," Teng mused. "What if we feed them? Perhaps ease them back onto the topic of their vessel?"

Kraznark massaged hir aching neck. "I need food and rest. Perhaps one of you?"

"We're not authorised to be interrogators," they chorused.

"You are authorised to feed them. Give them nutrition and hydration. Then call in a reserve Interrogator. I. Need. Sleep."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / ekostsov]

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