Challenge #02934-H011: The Songs We Sing


give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock 'n' roll and drift away -- Anon Guest

[AN: Link leads to a video with parody lyrics that is for real a 2020 mood. Offensensitivity warning for crude language]

The Humans were singing. This was nothing new. The matter of what they were singing was up to debate. The tune was familiar, but the words kept changing.

"Gimmie the yeast, boy/ and knead my rolls, I wanna get lost in the sour dough/ and drift awaaaayyyy..."

Companion Kesh was reasonably certain that those were not the original lyrics. Especially since the Humans were laughing about this. This was not, evidently, a case of getting stuck on what the words were. This was a contest of alternative lyrics. Filk[1], as some of them called it.

Another entrant sang, "Gimmie the yeet, boys/ to free my soul, I wanna get tossed in a flakkin' hole/ and drift awaaaaayyyy..."

Three of the Humans shouted, "See a therapist, Rolk!"

Human Tae, the quiet one, cleared her throat. "Ride on the beast, boy/ and watch it go, I wanna go fast over high and low/ and drift awaaaayyyy..."

There was applause from the other Humans, one of whom held Human Tae's hand high in celebration. That was the moment that the meaning of this activity became clear to Companion Kesh. This was a bonding game that was a trial of wits rather than combat, simulated or not.

Kesh sidled towards one of the happy Humans and asked, "Can anyone play?"

Human Zor said, "Do you want to play?"

"I would like to. If it's allowed. I think I may have something."

Humans belong in packs. They spread their pack-bonding energy all over the scenery. Sometimes literally. Therefore, it was a very small surprise that Human Zor scooped up Kesh and shouted, "Hey, shut up. Our lizard wants to play."

The Humans stopped everything they were doing and waited with the eager anticipation of children.

Companion Kesh took a steadying breath. "Pass me the meat, boy/ and take a stroll, I wanna make you a sausage roll/ and drift awaaaayyyy..."

Uproarious cheering from the Humans. Companion Kesh was, as they put it, a hit.

[1] Filk: Taking a well-known song and altering the lyrics whilst keeping the meter and rhyme. Originally, the altered lyrics had themes adjacent to early science fiction media. Since then, filk has expanded to contain any fandom-related content.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / radub85]

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