Challenge #02699-G142: Self Helping?


Empathy, Copying and sharing Emotions.
Even 2-Year old Humans can do that.

So, how do they react, when they met a crying Havenworlder who lost his Travelgroup on Earth? -- Mike

Xu wasn't lost. Not really. They could trace their way all the way back to the play gym that Ama had left them at for just a few minutes. What Xu was, was distracted. They were distracted because there was a bunny in armour looking lost and alone.

Not really a bunny, actually. They had long ears and fuzz, but they were also in an armoured suit. A livesuit. Xu had seen those in the holos. That meant that they needed protection. They needed a hero. Xu decided that they would have to do until they both found someone better.

The not-bunny in the livesuit had forward-facing eyes with weird pupils. They stopped where they were and held their hands up in a don't-hurt-me pose. Xu stopped and copied them. They couldn't speak much GalSimple, but maybe it was enough.

"No scaring?" They said. "Self wanting helping. Self-naming Xu. You naming?"

Those weird eyes blinked, but at least they blinked up and down. The fear they had been showing faded away. "Self-naming Shra. Self being lost. You knowing safe place?"

Xu thought about this. There were plenty of safe spaces, but not that many for people who needed suits to protect themselves. "Self knowing better being," they announced. Which meant Ama. Ama knew everything. Xu offered their hand. "Self taking for seeing?"

Shra the not-bunny moved in a strange way and Xu did their best to match pace with them as the two of them backtracked all the way to the play gym where Ama was searching the chaos of children for Xu. Ama was holding the tray of lunch and only just starting to look worried.

Xu held up their hand and waved, then watched as Ama went through a little emotional journey.

From There you are, to I thought I told you to stay in one area, through, What have you found, and finishing up with, Oh dear... Oh dear me no... Finally, the forced smile like the last time Xu 'found' a cat to come home with them.

"You've found a friend," said Ama. "Were they lost first?"

Xu switched to the local language. "This is Shra and they're lost, but I dunno where's safe for them and you know everything, so I came for help."

Ama's face was saying, Trust you to find trouble before it started. "Ah. Let's sit together and I'll use my vambrace to get some authority here to help." Ama switched to GalSimple and said, "Us waiting, self getting help signal. Is good?"

Not-bunny Shra nodded. "Is good."

Ama got them to sit together and Xu showed Shra how to do Intsy Wintsy Spider until the Civil Guard came. Shra would be re-united with their friends and Xu got to eat the best burger casserole that the food court had to offer.

Life was good.

Tomorrow, Xu might even be able to make it all the way across the monkeybars.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / nanettegrebe]

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