Blast From the Past: Challenge #00277: Rule 9 For Life

The mundane uses of adamantium claws

[AN: For those unfamiliar with Gibbs and his rules, rule 9 is “Never go anywhere without a knife”]

There is a saying that goes, ‘for a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail’. For Logan, he always had a knife.

He used them to snag apples from the fruit bowl. To open tricky parcels. To open mail. To shave with. To deal with that horrible shrink wrap that industries put on everything.

And, much to Sara’s disgust, to cut his steaks.

"Something wrong with meat, Tallwater?"

"Something wrong with a clean steak knife?" she countered.

"Don’t need ‘em," smirked Logan. "These are better."

Sara shuddered. “Do me a favour and never perform field surgery with them?”

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