Love And War

I started dizzy with a pile of electronics in the corner of my unused room, making a robot just hard to ask for forgiveness and I had to bring it tomorrow, I tried again to think about what was wrong with my robot,
"Ahh !! basic garbage !! "I say getting annoyed,
It's not baseless that I talk like that because I take from the junk items that are in the recycling place,
"I try to have money to buy adequate equipment" I blame myself,

I immediately went to the city park and met my classmate alia, I've liked it for a long time but I'm still embarrassed and hesitant,
"Hi rio, it's done your job?" He asked,
"Not yet" I replied,
"Tomorrow must have been brought, want to see mine? I'll help you anyway "he said hurriedly asked me,
"Emm .. a..alia, I want to talk to you something" I said groggily while scratching my head,
"What?" He asked,
"I want to see yours" I said, I can not bear to say this feeling to her, it seems alia just a little smile,
Actually I want him to be my girlfriend but I'm still afraid that he will reject me and make our friendship break up,

We arrived at the house is so beautiful, because the plants are rather expensive their family memeiliki idea to create a replica of their own plants must be with the imitation technology that looks more beautiful with a variety of color spectrum,

"Rio?" He asked to surprise me who was cool to enjoy his yard,
"Yeah?" My surprise,
"Let's go in" he said so softly,

He raised his hand and he touched his smartwacht with his stubby fingers, a cat approached us,
"Sweet cats" I say stroking the soft fur of a cat's fur,
"This robotku" he said,
"Your robot?" I asked a little surprised,
"Yes" he replied briefly,
"Very nice, like a real cat" I said praise him, he just smiled sweetly,
"Thank you, but it's not completely" he continued again while carrying the robot cat,
I just do not know what it means,

"Want to drink?" He asked,
"Thank you" I say with a smile and take water in the hands of alia,
"Wait yes, I go there first, just sit" he said and hurried to go to a door, I guess that's his room,
"Hmm" my eyes fixed on a picture whether it's paintings or photos on the walls of this living room I was photographed to recall the memories,
"This looks like a map" I muttered,

rio? "again he surprised me,
"Alia, what is this picture?" I asked curiously,
"I do not know, I do not know my grandmother who brought her here" he replied,
"Let's go, before the day we finish your day" he said so enthusiastically,
I agreed and rushed out but alia instead went to a door again, I guess it was a garage, he pulled out a speedbike on a bicycle with a wheel of electromagnetic technology, the bike could fly over the streets,
"Can you ride a bike?" He said, I shook my head, so please come up behind me, embarrassing once I was in a boncengi by a woman but how else should I do it,
After he got really helped my job almost 80%, stupid me when this is my job but even alia who do,

The next day is a big day, robotics party whose name everyone has the right to contest their robot and us as the host must follow,
"Hi rio" sapa my friend,
"Hi ari" I replied,
"So is your robot, good too" he said,
"Thank's, .. emh .. approaching" I say a little whisper, ari closer head,
"I'm helped alia" whispered in his ear, ari seemed to hold back laughter after I explained,
"He .. ba .. gus .." he said still holding back laughter,

The atmosphere of robotics party is so crowded, I can not stand this crowd I want to go home, suddenly there was an explosion outside the building, the floor was shaken this room looks like to collapse, some parts of the wall began to fall sky rocked and hit everyone,
"This building will collapse" I said, I was so panicked, and ran to the exit,
"No way out, come here follow me" drag my hand and follow him surrender I just try to avoid the walls and ceiling of the falling buildings,
"Bad, we're stuck" ari said,
"What do you mean?" I yelled,
"We'll die" he said, shortly after saying that the second explosion sounded so close above our heads, this building completely collapsed The two-storey building collapsed under what was beneath it, I gave tears just before I really hit the ruins,
"Ah .." a lump hit me and I fell down,

Slowly I opened my eyes,
"What happened?" I thought questioningly,
"Am I dead?" I said,
I look around, my body feels pressed by a heavy I can not move the body,
"Ah .." I moaned my breath gasping my throat felt strangled,
"Where is this? Why is it so dark? Ah ... I'm stuck in the ruins "I complained, I felt blood flow from some parts of my body,
"Sorry .. ah .. please .." I whispered in a husky voice, I shouted for help to anyone around there but no one seemed to hear me, faint I see the light behind me, the clearer and bigger, I see a full leg the wound in front of me I do not see who the person is because the top of his body buried in ruins, the light is getting bigger,
"Maybe this is the end" I said, The sound of the wall cracking sounded clear,
"Like someone scratching the scratch?" I muttered, It seems that the scratching sound stopped, the light was bright and the ruins did not seem to press on me again but I still can not lift my body just turned it could not bear, my bones felt broken, my joints felt my body really rigid and crushed,
Looks like something / someone who helps me approach,

"Cat?" My breath stopped seeing a cat wiping his body against my face, the cat climbed up my body while I still could not believe what I was seeing, I felt the cat was pushing my legs with his head,
"Awh .." I said,
"Okay I'll try to stand up" I say to the cat, slowly my hand movements feel stiff but I try then the other parts of my body follow him, I finally stand up a little stiff and stagger,
"I am hungry? Feelings this morning I ate "I said, I cast my eyes around no signs of life only the ruined-looking building ruins of the city where I live was destroyed,

"You are unconscious for 2 days" sounded someone said that,
"Who?" I said, turning my body and pointing my eyes to all directions,
"Over here, under you" said the invisible thing,
"Cat?" I asked,
"You've asked it twice" he said,
"I'm alia's cat .. miaww" he continued,
"Alia? What do you mean? Where is he? "I asked questioningly,
"I was assigned to find this person" the cat said and then took out a sort of hologram from his eyes,
"That is me? Hey it was when I was at home alia yesterday, wait ... you robot cat alia? "I asked,
The cat nodded his head,
"Where is alia?" My heart hurt if i had to lose it,
"He's hiding" the cat said,
"Take me there! .. wait ..." I say excitedly then I lift the ruins of debris and I find someone lying unconscious,

"His heartbeat is weak" said the cat,
"Ari?" I stared at my friend full of wounds and helpless white body now looks so pale his handsome face is now full of wounds,
"Wake up ri" I say shake his body,
"Come let's take me to alia hideout" I said while trying to carry ari,
"Fast!" I continued, I followed the cat away, in the middle of the journey the cat suddenly stopped,
"Why did you stop? He can not last long "I said,
"I detect something" said the cat,
A streak of something popped into my ear I was sweating cold, I immediately went to a wall ruin to hide,
"I die" I say pessimistic,

There was a conversation,
"What do you get?" Someone asked there as it seemed with his friend,
"Life detected behind the wall" sounds like a robot,
"Wall?" I muttered,
"Shoot the wall that I think the military is spying on our eyes" said one more,
At the shoot of this wall but I was lucky to escape before the wall was shot and exploded,

"The sensor reaches a thickness of 2 meters" said the cat,
"Thank you cat" I said,
"Same as" he replied,
"So where are we going?" I asked the cat,
"You will not be able to fool me" someone shouted,
"That guy?" I say surprised,
"Take this and throw it at them" said the cat pulled something out of his belly shaped like a tennis ball,
I took it from my heart, I showed my face to them though doubt what I should do it, looks 2 people with glasses look at me sharp with a humanoid robot ready to shoot in front of them,
"Yes .." I threw the ball and immediately went to the sound of explosions from behind me I jumped away, then there was a second explosion in their place,
"Are they dead?" From behind the wall my eyes see them all falling,
"Let's go" I said, I'm back carrying the ari whose body temperature cools,
"Fast fast" I said to the cat, I walked half-run because of my arms,

The sound of bullets whistling again sounded,
"Someone's after us," I say, I speed up my pace,
"It seems they are not dead all" I said again,
"Ah .." suddenly I fell on a big hole big open,
Byarrrr falling in the flow of water under the ground, I tried to grab the ari that began to sink, I was quite overwhelmed because I can not swim I tried to grab the ari but what power I even drown and do not remember anything,

Uhuk I realized and spewed some water, my breath was panting, I saw someone beside me
"Ari? Ari? ... "I said so weakly sounded full of concern,
"She is in bed rio" said the man,
"Rika?" I started to rise to realize it,
"Yes?" He said,
"Where is this? And where ari? "I asked,
"In our hideout, alia's the cat who brought you, alia is taking care of him" he replied,
"Alia?" I immediately got up, I was looking for alia I saw from a slit like old windows alia looked worried with ari, alia gently rubbed the handsome ari face that, arises in my heart turmoil but I admit I differs far from ari could not possibly I rival it,
"I love you alia, that's all I want to say from the first but maybe i can not have you" said the word was just utterly loud but quite heard in the ears without realizing my eyes glazed glass,

rio? "said alia,
"I think you ..." he continued embracing me tightly,
"I know you can not swim .. he .. but I'm grateful you survived" he continued again with a little laugh while shedding tears,
"Never mind" I said release her embrace as if no matter because my heart has been closed jealous,
"How is it?" I asked,
"Bad, his heart rate is weakening almost almost I can not feel it" he replied, I was so pity but I was also jealous of blind with him,
"Did you follow when you came here?" Shouted rika from a distance,
"It seems ..." I said not yet finished,

Duarrrrr explosive sound so hard tear down some walls that have weathered,
"They attack" rika said,
"What is their motive for attacking the city?" I asked,
"Do not ask me, military assistance has not arrived yet?" Said alia,
"No, rio we do not know what they mean" replied rika, alia went back inside, then came out again carrying a complete weapon,
"Alia's cat let's fight mode" he said so firmly,
"Hey hey where are you going?" I held back his speed,
"Attack them" he said, the gentle alia now turning like a lioness looking for a prey,
"Me too, keep ari" said rika following alia who knows when he was carrying weapons,
"I?" I'm full of surprise and surprise, I'm also annoyed because I seem to be considered weak,
"I will follow them" I said,

I went down the aisle by the underground river, firing at every robot trying to get in,
"A lot of them ... euah ... euah .." I complained while removing them,
"Feel this, feel this" I say keep firing, but instead of diminishing their numbers more and I'm surrounded among them,

"So this guy who killed my generals" said someone who was floating with a solid half-ball object,
"Kill him" he said, fighting useless not fight the same as death, suddenly someone hook my shirt so I was carried away fly,
"Shoot !!!!" the man shouted, their shots all misses I also slew their shots blindly, the man who hooked me dropped me slowly,

"Now you're the target" he said,
"Alia? You? Speedbikemu flying high? "I asked,
"You wonder rio? I've designed a speedbike with a turbo boost at the bottom "he explained,
"Creative" I had time to praise in the middle of a precarious atmosphere,
"Let's go up" said alia with anxious face,
"I would not have saved a girl" I said,
"It seems not" alia said,
"What?" I asked in amazement,
"Dead end" he said, alia pulled over his bicycle,
"What should we do?" He asked,
"Fight!" I said as if a brave,
"Get on the bike, hurry up," I say, he approaches his bike even though he hesitates,
"What do you want?" He asked,
"Get out of here, I'll distract them" I said,
"But ..." she hesitated,
"Quick do not argue, maybe for this I am created" I say full of despair and anger,
"You are not created for this rio, you are created for me" he said thrill my heart but what can i say this urgency,
"You go search for military assistance, guiding them here let me be a corpse was not my effort is not in vain" I said,
"Well, if that's what you want" said alia started grabbing his bike,
"I also love you rio, you do not need to be jealous with ari" he said then hurried away, I listened to my inner mind jumbled, regret, happy and afraid of being one I stared at him, he rode his bicycle through the robot group smoothly because I distract them, after how far he looked at me with a wistful face then turned again with maximum speed,

how can I survive this, there's no place I'm hiding when I have to keep dodging their shots "I muttered,
"Ah .." I shouted my left hand hit by the bullet of the gun in my left hand fell,
Blindly they attacked, one by one my body was pierced by hot tin, I fell helplessly,

"Stop" the sound of someone shouting, the shot was stopped,
"This is my part" he replied again,
The man came right over my head and pulled my hair tight and lifted my head, my breath panting helplessly on my stomach,
"You seem to be dying even if I do not kabab" he said then banging my face to the floor of a muddy corridor flowing from my nose,
"But to make sure of that," he pointed a long-barreled gun into my body right at the back of my stomach,
"I want to finish you slowly" he continued with a thunderous laugh but a miracle happened, the wall above them began to tremble and collapsed upon his robots,

"What happened?" Said the man turned his back and looked up the aisle, I grabbed my gun that was not so far away and I shot the gun at him right through the chest, he moaned and fell down,
"Ha .. ha .. feel it .. I can now calm .." I said that had time to laugh,

"Rio !!" shouted a woman I recognized, she was still driving a speedbike,
He came down hurriedly then turned back and embraced me in his arms, his tears breaking between the still-sounding gunshots,
"Rio !! Forgive me "said alia,
"What for? Nothing to forgive .. I have to apologize .. "I said then stopped the atmosphere became dark heard the sound of shouting alia in my ears call me slowly then disappeared,

Slowly I re-opened my eyes look rika and alia was sitting beside the bed,
"How many times have I fainted lately?" I asked, the face of alia to be cheerful again,
She hugged me so tightly, ah .. aw ..
"Sorry rio" said alia smile with tear drips bahagianya then release his embrace,
"How many days I'm here?" I asked,
"I feel years lost you" answer alia shocked me,
"You lebay alia, already about 4 days maybe" replied rika,
"during the? Where-where? Is she okay? "I asked,
"In-him ..." they say so much thinking,
"I'm here rio, thank you for saving me and I'm sorry your jealousy" said ari approaching, I wonder as if they told me all my stories,

"Sorry, actually I'm eyeing your eyes through your robot that I installed the camera" said alia,
"What? You eye my eyes? Ah .. maybe that's what saved me "replied me,
"Can I ride your speedbikemu alia?" I asked, he smiled agree,

I flew with him, of course, this time I was the one who ride him, after reaching the top of a tallest building I turned my eyes on the expanse of the city that rose again and reminded me of the image in alia house exactly as I see now, I also take a picture of the city's landscape
"It's like the one in the picture in your house is alia" I said,
"Yes very romantic, maybe this is the same place when my grandmother and grandfather often meet" he replied.....

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