The hospital room- PART 6 - An original short story by Giantbear


The creature moved fast. Sarah was scared to fall behind and moved as quickly as she could. She had to keep an eye on him the whole time and was scared she was going to get lost.  Eventually the creature slowed down when they turned left into a corridor. He indicated that she should be quiet and they stood there against the wall while other creatures passed in the hallway.  Luckily they did not see them.  

Sarah was standing behind the creature and as soon as they passed, the creature turned around and they were on the move again.  This time they moved slower as if they were expecting some more of the others. The creature told her not to look outside but she couldn't help herself.  

They moved past a big glass window and Sarah turned her head to look for just one second. She had the biggest shock of her life. It was totally dark outside, and she could see stars as far as she could look. She shrieked and felt a shiver down her spine when she saw the one thing that she did not want to see.  Now, for sure, she knew that she was not on Earth.  She was staring at her home planet from inside some kind of space ship.  

She gulped when the creature pulled on her arm. His hands were cold and clammy and she shivered. She had no other choice but to follow him again.  She just had to forget about what she saw and followed him down another corridor. How far did they have to go? It felt as if they were just moving around in circles.  

Her throat was burning terribly and she was tired. She felt so weak and she was so thirsty she could just cry but she had to put her own needs out of her mind and put all her strength towards getting out of here. 

They finally reached their destination and both of them stood together in front of a big steel sliding door. The creature punched in a code and the doors opened. Sarah was amazed by what she saw.  Right in front of them was a room as big as a warehouse and there were escape pods as far as she could see.  The creature quickly pulled her inside the room and they moved to the closest pod.  

"You have to get in now. This is your only chance on survival." 

Sarah nodded.  She climbed into the pod and the creature pushed some buttons for the automatic pilot system. She felt extremely nervous but she was just as thankful. 

Sarah and the creature stared at each other for a minute and it was as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. He touched her shoulder gently before pressing the button for the door to close.  

Once the door was closed she was able to take off the oxygen mask. It was a very small space to sit but she didn't care. She was finally on her way out of this dreadful place. She saw the big doors opening and within seconds she was outside... alone in space. The pod made one big turn and then headed straight in the direction of Earth. Finally after three days of immense suffering she was on her way back home.... 

Sarah fell asleep and when she awoke she was somewhere on the side of the road, sitting in her car. She had a slight headache and she was extremely thirsty, but she had absolutely no recollection of what happened to her and she had no idea why she stopped next to the road.

Sarah felt so weird sitting there, she started her car after checking the road in her rear-view mirror and drove off. She stopped at the nearest gas station to buy some water.  

The end             

If you missed out on the previous chapters please follow these links. 

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

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