The adventures of Shoelace and Button- The monster in the attic - Original children story - part 5

It was the last week before the school started and the cast had been removed from Button's arm the previous day. It felt weird for Button not to have the cast anymore, and suddenly they were both free to do what they wanted, but nature did not play along.

They still couldn't go bike riding because of the rain, and obviously they couldn't go swimming. They were still stuck indoors. This was one holiday that they did not enjoy at all.

Tonight was an especially dark and stormy night. It's been raining for the last week and it seemed as if the rain was never going to stop. Button was over at Shoelace's house, and they spent the evening watching scary movies and played some family games. They stayed up much later than usual, and it was nearly eleven o clock when they finally all went to bed.

Button woke up suddenly when he heard a noise at the window. He lay there frozen. What could it be? Was it the wind, or was it someone or something trying to get in? He nearly laughed at himself because he knew the scary movie were playing tricks with his mind.

He had no idea what it could be, so he decided to go and look. He quietly got up, and peeked through the window. There was nothing. It must have been the wind and perhaps a branch of the tree outside that scratched the window.

He tiptoed back to his bed, and was just about to fall asleep in his warm bed, when he heard a different noise. This time the sound came from the roof.

Stop imagining things he told himself, before pulling up the covers to go back to sleep.
Button lay there with his eyes tightly closed. He was unable to fall asleep again, and he wished they had listened to Shoelace's dad when he said that the movie might scare them.

He could hear the wind howling outside and it seemed as if the roof was about to cave in. Button got up and climbed into bed with Shoelace. Shoelace mumbled something before going back to sleep, but Button was sighing so hard, that he eventually woke up.

"What's going on?" Shoelace asked irritated and grumpy.

"I think there is something on the roof." Button said, sounding anxious.

"It's just the wind." Shoelace said irritated and turned to go back to sleep.

Within seconds he sat up straight again. He heard the same noise that Button was talking about, and it was definitely not the wind. It sounded like there was something in the attic now, and they were both terrified. They held onto each other as if they were going to be murdered, but soon realized how silly that looked and then Shoelace made a suggestion.

"Come on, get your baseball bat. Tonight we are going to catch that thief red-handed."

Shoelace and Button put on their slippers and with their baseball hats in their hands, they quietly walked up the stairs to the attic.

It was super quiet up there, and all they could hear was the wind outside and the rain falling on the roof. They looked around. Everything seemed perfect. They looked at each other and nodded.

*Not a word to anyone about this ever Button. * Shoelace said before turning around to go downstairs. He was just about to take the first step when they heard one of the boxes move.

They turned around quickly and then saw the glistening eyes of the attic monster staring right at them. Both of them screamed like little girls and they couldn't get downstairs fast enough.

"There's a monster in the attic!" Button shouted when they saw Shoelace's dad emerging from his room.
*"Calm down boys, I'm sure it's nothing. Let me go and have a look." *

They boys waited anxiously while Shoelace's dad went upstairs. They could hear a few boxes move, and it sounded like there was a big fight going on upstairs. They were terrified.

Within minutes everything went dead quiet. Then they heard footsteps, and waited anxiously for Shoelace's dad to come back downstairs. He emerged from the attic carrying the cutest little grey kitten they had ever seen before.

*"This little guy is your attic monster. It must have been trapped outside in the rain and had to find a way inside." *

Both the boys were relieved. They took the little kitten and went downstairs to give it some milk, before going to bed.

As they walked past his parents room, his father said:

*"I told you not to watch scary movies before bed! We can go to the shelter tomorrow to see if anyone lost a kitten." *

Button wrapped the little kitten in a blanket and kept it with him in is warm bed.

"I think we need to name him Monster." Shoelace said and they both laughed.

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