What news from the Drakon Forest?

“What news Xale?” impatiently demanded Santis, the Lord of Castle Yeltsin, as his chief counsel entered his throne room.
“My Lord…” greeted Xale, bending down on one knee on the stone floor and bowing deeply in a formal greeting.
“Enough with the bowing Xale!” dismissed Santis impatiently. “What news have our messengers brought from the Opal Valley?”
“It is not good news I’m afraid my Lord…” began Xale, “…our agents have confirmed that Prince Harkavon has seized control.”
“But what of King Phelon and my daughter? What of Prince Kaspar? What has become of them?” demanded Santis urgently.
“Their fate remains unclear…” advised Xale. “We believe that they were taken prisoner but that is all of the information that we have available at the moment.”
“Has Prince Harkavon claimed the throne? Has he declared himself King?” asked Santis.
“No, it does not appear so…” replied Xale.
“That means that they are still alive!” growled Santis, thumping the arm of his wooden throne. “He can’t claim the throne while the rightful king is still alive.”
“There are also rumors that Prince Kaspar has escaped the castle my Lord…” added Xale.
“I wonder…” mused Santis thoughtfully, looking into the distance, “…it’s strange that we’ve had no word from Kaspar’s tutor Lavanter… I wonder if they have perhaps managed to escape, that somehow Lavanter managed to get Kaspar out of the castle before Prince Harkavon could seize him… I have been having dreams about Kaspar recently, vivid dreams, that would make sense… that he is calling me, searching for me, needing my assistance. If only we knew where he was…”

Lavanter had been one of Santis’s most trusted advisors. Santis had sent him to tutor his grandson Kaspar so that he would know his history, that he would understand his family, understand their secrets, and understand their powers. Santis had been pleased with the match of his daughter to the future king of Opal Valley. He had never thought that Phelon was particularly bright or inspiring, but he was solid and dependable, and he was the heir to the throne. Santis didn’t know much about the brother, Prince Harkavon, he had met him only once or twice. It was in Lavanter’s last report that he had mentioned his concerns that Prince Harkavon appeared to have designs on the throne of Opal Valley. Santis was angry with himself for not taking that warning more seriously, for not having taken action sooner to ensure the protection of his family.

“My Lord…” said Xale tentatively, cautious about interrupting Santis’s train of thought.
“Yes Xale, what is it?” demanded Santis impatiently.
“Would you like me to take a small detachment of men and go into the Opal Valley to search for Prince Kaspar?”
“That is tempting…” nodded Santis, “…but where would you look? My dreams aren’t particularly clear – I can’t give you a map reference or anything. Besides, I’m cautious about antagonizing Prince Harkavon too much – if I sent an armed party across the border he could easily claim it as an act of aggression, giving him an excuse to crush us with his vastly superior army.”
“We could disguise ourselves?” suggested Xale. “If we weren’t wearing the colors of Yeltsin then if anyone questions us we could pass for mercenaries or traders just riding through.”
“But would you even recognize Kaspar?” asked Santis. “How would you know who you were looking for?”
“I have served your family all my life…” replied Xale, “I will recognize him. My men are skilled hunters – if he is still alive we will find him.”
“The prince will be scared and unsure who he can trust…” replied Santis, clearly warming to the idea. “He wears the ring of power – the matching one to mine…” Santis held up his left hand to display the glowing ring. “Take my dagger with you – it carries the same stones, Kaspar will recognize it as being of this place. The stones glow brighter when they are brought together.” Xale held out both hands and carefully received the small precious dagger from Santis. “How many men will you take with you?” asked the ruler of Castle Yeltsin.
“Just four plus myself…” replied Xale. “The main road is heavily guarded by the soldiers of the Opal Valley. We will need to find an alternate path in order to try and avoid their attention.”
“Then you will have to enter the forest? Do you know the Drakon Forest?” asked Santis.
“Does anyone know the Drakon Forest?” replied Xale with a smile.
“You’re right…” nodded Santis. “That vast, ancient forest remains a mystery to us all, however I agree – if the road is heavily guarded then there is no other way to travel between here and the Opal Valley. That means that if Kaspar is trying to reach me then he must also be trying to travel through the forest. When can you leave?”
“I will leave immediately my Lord…” replied Xale, “…my men can be ready within the hour.
“Excellent. Go!” commanded Santis. “Bring my grandson to me!”

Santis stood from his throne and walked across to one of the windows that looked out from Castle Yeltsin, wrapping his robe tightly around him. The valley that his castle protected boasted rich farmlands that had been the home of Santis’s family for generations. Castle Yeltsin had remained strong and powerful while the lands beyond its borders had frequently torn themselves apart as various factions vied for power and control. Santis wondered whether he still had the strength to once again withstand the storm that was brewing beyond the borders of his kingdom, beyond the walls of this castle, beyond the mountains that protected this valley – a storm that already engulfed his daughter and possibly also his treasured grandson Kaspar.

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