Kevin jerked up from the bed,drenched in cold sweat. He glanced at the electric clock to his right and the numbers 4:15 glowed in neon green at the screen.
"Great" he grumbled,ruffling his blonde hair and yawning."Three more hours before my day of woe officially begins. Can't wait"
Not wanting to catch another wink of sleep, he got up and shuffled lazily to the bathroom. After dowsing his face with water, he looked at his reflection at the mirror above the sink.
The nightmare which was the reason for his being awake didn't feel like any of the previous ones he had in the past. It felt more like a premonition. He shut his eyes tight as he tried to piece the details....

A sturdy old man ran along the woods,seemingly chasing something. The full moon had risen and illuminated the woods with its rays. It would have been a sight to behold if it wasn't for the mini battle raging within. The man stopped at a clearing.In his left hand, the man held a pistol, his eyes narrowing as he studied the woods for any movement or sound. For a moment, all seemed quiet but he wasn't fooled. A pair of golden eyes studied him from behind at a distance. The owner of the eyes growled in a light tone as he began to advance stealthily towards the man. A grin formed on the mystery creature as the man seemed to drop his guard and put his pistol away. Seeing his chance, the creature advanced rapidly and lunged at the man. However, its elated grin morphed into terror as the man quickly reeled around with a smirk,whipped out his pistol and, aiming it at the creature, pulled the trigger...

"Gah!" Kevin shrieked as he jolted back to reality. Shaking his head to clear the thoughts,he moved out of the bathroom to his room and sat on his bed. Sparing a glance into space he could only ask the question he had in mind.
"What does this mean?"

Alright steemians, that's it for chapter 1. I hope you like it. You can always follow me to get more thrilling fiction like this. Till next time.

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