Make yourself comfortable” Mystery girl said as she entered her apartment, Daniel following close by and shutting the door after him.
Apparently, she had invited him over and being driven by paranoia, he accepted. He definitely didn’t want any further run-ins with Luke on his way back to his hostel.
He paused to look around her apartment. It was well furnished and quite spacious. There were two armchairs, a couch, and a flatscreen TV with a bookshelf beside it. A large glass table stood in the center of the room with lots of books piled on it. By the far end of the living room was a door which probably led to her bedroom. Few meters away from the couch was a large dining table.
“Wow?” he thought inwardly. “All these for one person” Glancing at her, he took in her appearance. If he deduced correctly, she was not older than 17. Then again it was more difficult to tell a girl’s age than a guy’s.
“Nice place” he said as he sat on the couch.
“ Thanks” she replied. “ So what can I offer you?”
“ Water will be fine, thank you” he said.
She got up and left the living room, returning later with a glass of chilled water. He accepted it graciously and sipped a little before placing it on the table.
“ I suggest you drink it all. Water is better enjoyed when chilled” She teased.
“I’ll keep that in mind” He grinned a little before becoming serious. Seeing the look on his face, she sighed and knew it was about time they stopped dancing around the situation and address the elephant in the room.
“I know you probably have questions to ask. Let it out.” She said, staring at him with that look he had already seen and gotten used to. The look of someone trying to peer into your soul, trying to study you. Trying to decipher something.
“Alright” he replied “ I’ll start by asking what is your name?”
She raised an eyebrow at that.
“Yeah I know” he chuckled bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck in an avoiding eye contact momentarily. “ Kind of weird considering we are in the same department”
“No it’s alright” she smiled for the first time and Daniel caught it. Who knew smiling could make someone so beautiful? Not that she was ugly to begin with, but the way she smiled made her chocolate eyes sparkle and her smooth face glow even more. Well, it’s true what they say. The best curve on a woman’s body is her smile.
“ I’m Annabelle” she said, offering her hand.
“ I’m Daniel” he responded, taking her hand in a gentle handshake.
“I know who you are” she smiled again. “ Even if you are not aware of this, you are quite popular among the ladies in our class due to gossips” she winked and he blushed.
“ I didn’t need to know that” he muttered. Turning to her, he continued “ So how did you know where I was?”
Her mood changed and she frowned a little. “ I was passing by to get something to eat when I heard a scream coming from the lagoon front. It was more like a scream of anger. At first I ignored it, thinking my mind was playing tricks on me. But then I heard another shout again. This time, the one of pain. At that point I knew it was real. I traced the source of the sound through the bush and that’s where I found you getting strangled before swooping in to save your life. You’re welcome” she concluded humorously.
“You didn’t notice anything else?” Daniel asked surprised.
“Anything like what?” she raised her eyebrow again
“Like the strange appearance on his face. Red eyes? Sharp teeth? Anything?” he said
A pregnant pause followed before she broke into fits of giggles which turned out to full blown laughter, much to his embarrassment. So far he didn’t see what was funny in the matter. As much as he found her laughing quite cute, he didn’t appreciate her making him look like a clown. Not cool at all.
“ You know, Daniel” she said after her laughter subsided. “ I knew you were quiet and reserved but I never pegged you for the comedian”
“I’m serious!” he cried out. “ that man was not normal. he is a vampire for crying out loud!!”
“Vampires are a myth” she replied dryly. All traces of humor gone in her face. “ In your state of fear, your mind probably created illusions to deceive you. I mean…. Vampires? Seriously?”
“I’m as serious as death, Ann. Hey can I call you ann?”
She shrugged and nodded. “whatever floats your boat”
“I am serious. He confessed it to me himself and from what he said, there are more like him in this school…” Daniel paused and his eyes widened in sudden realization. “ …Oh my God”
“ What is it?” Ann looked worriedly at him.
“ The bat, the sudden and mysterious deaths of those two men” Daniel whispered as he stared into space. “ Those men. The bite marks on their necks. They weren’t killed by wild animals. They were killed by vampires!!”
“Okay” Ann said confused as she picked up the glass of water and examined it “ I think chilled water does something to your mind. I think you should stick with warm water.”
“ I am not crazy” he frowned.
“Whatever you say” she sang.
Daniel was about to reply when his phone suddenly rang. Fishing it out of his pocket slowly and praying it wasn’t a prank call, he saw Jake’s name on the caller id. With optimism, he picked the call.
“ Dan!!” Jake’s voice cried out from the other end much to Daniel’s relief. “ Dude, you had us worried in the room. It’s 12 in the morning for crying out loud. Where are you?”
“ 12?” Daniel replied, dazed. He glanced at his watch and gasped. It was 12 am. “ Look, man. Sorry about that. i am in a friend’s place. It’s kind of a long story but I’ll give you details later. Promise”
He heard Jake sigh over the receiver. “ Alright, but next time please just call anyone in the room to let them know where you are and if you’ll be coming late to avoid future problems. Okay?”
“Sure thing. I will” Daniel said and then added “ How’s your health?”
“I’m feeling better. I’ll make it to class today at least”
“Alright. That’s good. See you later”
“ Okay” Jake said and cut the call.
Turning to Ann, Daniel caught an amused look on her face.
“ What?” he asked with a slight frown.
“What makes you think I’m going to let you sleep in my place?” she said with a teasing smile which he failed to notice.
“Er.. Listen I..” he began nervously.
“Relax, I am just messing with you” She giggled as she stood up and stretched. “ You can stay here tonight. It’s the least I can do for keeping you here this long.”
“Thanks” he smiled gratefully “ Wait. My books. I misplaced them back at the..”
“Problem solved” she interrupted jerking her thumb backwards at the direction of the dining table behind them. On it stood his books arranged neatly.
“How did you…” he began
“I picked them up before saving your life. You didn’t see me carrying them while we were coming here?” she tilted her head sideways, giving him a questioning look.
“No” he replied and then shrugged. “ probably my mind wasn’t clear”
“probably” she repeated.
A moment of silence passed between them before a thought popped up in Daniel’s mind.
“ Hey” he said, turning to Ann.
“Yeah?” she answered, placing her hands on her hips and standing akimbo.
“You know, the force of your kick back there was way too powerful for an average girl” he said narrowing his eyes at her.
“Trust me, Dan” she smiled. “People can be stronger than they think. They just don’t know it yet. If you give me the chance, I can give you some karate tricks for self-defense”
“ You can teach me how to fight” he scoffed at that which she made her frown.
“What? You don’t believe me? Is it because I am a “girl”?” she said raising her fingers in quote at the last word of her sentence.
“ Not really?” he chuckled. “ I don’t see you as the fighting type.”
A sly grin made it’s way to her face. “ Oh really? Let’s find out, shall we?” she beckoned to him “try attacking me”
He rolled his eyes at that and stood up to face her. He paused and couldn’t help but smile at the confident grin on her face. “ You sure?”
She nodded.
Without putting much force to his effort, he made to punch her slightly but she caught his fist and much to his surprise, lifted him with that grip and slammed him on the couch before pinning him, straddling his stomach. He blushed at their position but she seemed oblivious.
“Doubt me now?” she said poking his fore head.
“No ma. You win” he replied in surrender.
“ Good” she said and got off him. Walking to her bedroom. She paused and stared back at him with a teasing smile on her face. “ It’s late and I’m off to bed. You coming?”
If there was anything like guiness world record for a blushing contest, Daniel would break that record. He was literally 50 shades of red at that seemingly innocent but dirty comment.
“No…I..I..am good..” he stammered. “ I’ll sleep on the couch”
“Aww” she pouted. “ Are you sure? I don’t bite………….much” she added with a giggle.
“I’m fine here. Thanks” he persisted.
“Spoilsport” she pouted again and turned to leave.
“Hey” he called and she turned to face him. “ It was nice meeting you, Ann. Thanks for your company. I appreciate it”
“Same here” she smiled sincerely. “I guess you are really fun to be with when one gets to know you.” she added and Daniel could have sworn there was a tint of pink in her cheeks.
“Goodnight” he said
“ Goodnight” she replied and left the room.
Daniel sighed as and closed his eyes, a thoughtful frown on his face. There were a lot of questions that definitely need answers. X-serum? Vampires? He knew his problems were far from over but for now he needed to fight this new problem with a weapon of his own.

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