Introduction and Prelude to Universe of Lies (Original Fiction Work)

Quick Note

Before I jump right into the story, I feel it's pertinent to explain how it'll be organized, since it'll be slightly confusing otherwise. This was originally planned to be released in a book format under the pseudonym Arol. Some chapters of the story are told directly from the author's perspective (Arol's perspective) while other's are told in the third person as Arol is simply relaying the experiences of other characters.

In addition, this story doesn't consist of regular chapters but compositions named after pieces of music that describe the events that are about to occur. For instance, you won't be seeing 'Chapter 3' but rather 'Fantasia' or something similar. I did this, because the events in the various story lines aren't sequential, and adding linearity to it constrains the idea of various parallel stories that twist together like vines.

If you're new to my work (and I'm assuming the vast majority of you are as of now, but someone might read this in the future) check out my introduction post for a brief road map of what I hope to accomplish on steemit. If you like what you see there in terms of planned content, don't hesitate to give me a follow. If you create similar work that you think I'd be interested in, feel free to link it in the comments with a short blurb on why you think I'll like it.

And without further ado, I give you Universe of Lies.



The contents of this book have been heavily edited in accordance with the Io Convention (Article 6). Content related to the future that has been deemed anchored, as defined in Section 7, has been removed or altered in an attitude of solidarity with parallel timelines.

For more information visit ssww.lib.igov/conv/io/6 or ask X within available service areas.



Sometimes, I want to forget, but it's impossible for me. Other times I'm glad I remember every last detail of my life. Sometimes I weigh everything I want to forget against everything I'm glad to remember, and I'm happy to say that the majority of my life has weighed in favor of my defect.

I'm quite old at this point. Only a handful of people have been around as long as me. James Bedford and others like him have me beat in terms of birth year, but I've probably been awake the longest. And I remember everything.

I'll spare you all the boring garbage where my amazing memory failed to help me learn, and start you out with the fun times which began 68 days after my 73rd birthday. It all started with a boy. A boy who was more amazing than I'll ever be. He didn't change the world or anything (well this one anyway), and I partially blame myself for that. Though as incredible as this boy was, he isn't the centerpiece of this story, though maybe you can guess who is. I promise everything will be clear by the end, and if not, well, I never promised to be the best writer in the world.

I say this story is about a boy, but honestly, that's just because he's my favorite of all the characters I'll be introducing you to. This story is really about many special people all living out incredibly special lives separately and yet together. Each of them sees the others in a different reality which differed from my own. Some of them definitely make more sense to me than others, but who am I to determine how real their experiences were? Maybe you can make sense of it - what's real and what's not. I don't know, but I feel like giving you the opportunity is my responsibility knowing all that I do. So, I'll start with my favorite boy and mix the rest in when appropriate. Hopefully you find these stories as enjoyable as I did when they were told to me.

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