Why Illustrate a Classic?

I recently received a comment concerning my graphic novel project "Citizen of the Galaxy" and my current project "Have Space Suit Will Travel". Both are graphic adaptations of classic science fiction novels by Robert A. Heinlein.

The Question was "Why?", stating further; "One of the great things about books is that the mind's Art Department, Special Effects Department, and Casting have unlimited budgets, and are not constrained by the real world (or two dimensional paper and ink, or film). I can't imagine any graphic novel version of any Heinlein that is going to even approach the version my head built while reading (and re-reading) them.

In response I have to say that I agree wholeheartedly! Most multi-media recreations of classic science fiction tales often fall short of the book reader's imagination and nostalgic recollection. In my own case it would be crazy to think that I could possibly even come close to capturing the "genius" of Heinlein's vision and imagination.

That being said my primary goal in this effort is to introduce Heinlein to a new generation of readers who would not otherwise be exposed to his books and writings. Many Heinlein books have practically vanished from the bookshelf's. Getting younger readers to pick up a 300-400 page book now a days can be a tall order. However, picking up a short graphic novel with it's enticing graphics and complex themes, might just wet their appetite enough to pick up the book and submerse themselves in the world that is Heinlein.

My hope is that the Heinlein fans will also appreciate the comic version of these classic stories, but I accept that like many modern day movie adaptations the "new" will often always pale in comparison to the "classic". Love it or Hate it, the graphic novel adaptations will at least stir up some good conversations and put the works of Robert Heinlein back on the radar.

Visit my website to see excerpt from the graphic novel or if you're interested in purchasing a copy of the graphic novel or any of Heinlein's works visit: https://www.heinleinbooks.com



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