The Babies World..

I was thrown into a place, somewhere. Everything I've met with children, including people I've known, has turned into all children. I was stunned. I rub my eyes. I can not believe my eyesight. It was so weird that a child greeted me so politely.

"Assalamu'alaikum ..., Pak War yes?"
"Wa'alaikumussalam ..." I replied while shaking his hand. My hands kissed her with tawaduknya. I'm a teacher and almost all of my students kiss my hands when they meet and shake hands.
"Who are you?" I asked the boy. I deliberately speak English to avoid the confused greeting I say. I wished that I was a child who was about five years old when I knew that he was actually my neighbor in my village who was older than me. I'm so clumsy.

"You look very much like Prayogo, my neighbor in the village." I say finally ventured to make small talk.
"What the hell is this Mr. War. Yes indeed I am Prayogo, a resident of your village. "Do not forget?" He continued.
"Oh sorry, I'm not feeling well. I'm so hesitant about my own eyesight. "I replied to hide my fascination with a state that felt so different from the real world.
"By the way, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously.
"Just go for a walk. Bored at home all the time. "
"Mr. War himself is what?" He asked back.
I'm confused to answer. I felt I was in a reincarnation country. People turn into toddlers who are beautiful, handsome and cute. I came to know the innocent face of Prayogo's childhood. His face was pure white, his eyes shining brightly. I do not understand if I am also like them at the same time, being a child as well? I am confused. Ah, I need a mirror.

Prayogo looks matted once today. Even half the year he was unemployed. When he chose voluntarily to stop with the severance pay he thought was great then, he was sure he could start a business with the severance capital. With a long experience as head of maintenance, he believes can also quickly get the job again. But reality is not as beautiful as his hopes and plans.

Now his wife began to grumpy because severance money is reduced and thinning without income while the cost of living continues to rise because of rising fuel. All the basic necessities of the price rise so as to drain the savings money, which is nothing but severance pay, with the swift.

Not looking for work today? "
"What kind of work?"
"Work anything just kosher! Our savings will run out if you continue to idle "
"I want to work. But there is no vacancy. "
The conversation did not continue because Prayogo's phone rang.

"Hello sir Prayogo yes this" asked a voice in the distance.
"Yes, it is me. Who is this?"
"Bagas pak, head of personnel of PT Mulia Steel. I read the father of machine maintenance. Our company is in need of employees with qualifications that you write in your blog.
"Yes sir. When can I be interviewed? "Replied Prayogo happily.
"Tomorrow sir. Please come to our office. "
"Okay Mr. Bagas. Thank you."

Without complicated requirements he was accepted to work at PT Mulia Steel a steel factory. Working in this factory is tough. The heat is amazing. He sometimes smiled to himself when he remembered the phrase spoken by his personal cabar, Mr. Bagas, who interviewed him first that working here is like a practice of going to hell because it is so hot. He laughed then. In his heart of course he wished not to go to hell.

Prayogo's work went smoothly until one day his boss asked him to fix a special machine in his boss's room. He knew it was a printing machine. He wonder what the machine is.

"Already repaired the engine?
"It's pack."
"Have you tried?"
"Not yet."
"Now try." Prayoga boss said, fiddling with the button on the machine. The man is like he is programming something on that semicomputer machine. For Prayogo computers are not proficient. So he paid attention to what his boss did.
"Please put the paper in," the boss commanded as he connected his laptop to the machine. Shortly thereafter the engine flashed, sliding the paper. Prayogo's eyes widened to see something coming out of the printing press.
Money. Broken one hundred thousand, red. Prayogo fell silent. He did not dare look at the face of his boss. His boss certainly watched him. His boss certainly knows his surprise.
"Yes. It's asphalt money. You've seen. For me to see is to join. If not, you will ... "the man said as he crossed his arms around his neck. Prayogo fell silent. He understands the threat. He felt a cold sweat coming out of his body. Her body shook. He was terrified. All his life he has never been neko-neko. He works honestly and earnestly. Now he felt trapped in a counterfeit money dealer.

The next day, Prayogo was not feeling well especially yesterday he came home from work in the rain. This morning his body shivered. He had a fever.
"No work Sir?" Asked his wife.
Prayogo just shook his head. While his wife has not yet told about his workplace that just a mere mask. He has not told him he is stuck with a counterfeiter syndicate.
"Just work a week is not coming in, Later do not fired you?" His wife said as talking to himself.
"Thank God if I get fired, I'm happy," said Prayogo finally opened his mouth. He thought all the women were the same, fussy and mercenary.
"You know? Why even be grateful? "His wife refused to know.
"Come on, let me go to the doctor first, I'll tell you later." Cut Prayogo.
"What's wrong sir?" His wife began to wonder.
"Shhh! Do not loud! "Prayogo cried as he put his index finger in his mouth.

"Doc dock ...!" The front door knocked. Husband wife is upgraded, shocked not playing. They looked at each other.
"See who?" Said Prayogo to his wife.
His wife went to the living room. He did not immediately open the door, but he peeped through the peep glass at the door. There were three people outside. They had long hair and hats. Only the knock on the door of the crew is neat.
When the man would knock again, Prayogo's wife had already opened the door.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Prayogo's house?" The man asked.
Yes. Right. Whose fellow, what's the need? "Replied Prayogo's wife without allowing the person to enter. The door of the house is half open.
"We're from the company where Mr. Prayogo works," the man replied.
"Father is sick. We just got ready for a doctor. Maybe today is not working.
"Can we meet you for a while?" The man said.
"Hm ... Father was bathing. Please wait there. "The wife answered, pointing to the chair on the porch of his house. Prayogo's wife began to feel bad about the people. The door closed and he locked slowly. He immediately met her husband who was changing clothes in the room.
"Who?" Prayogo asked his wife very quietly.
"Said your coworker." Her wife's answer lowered her voice.
"How's the man?"
"One is short-haired, like an army, two long wearing a hat.
"Adeuh." Prayogo said nervously. His wife is confused why her husband is nervous and scared.
"What's going on sir?"
"That's what I'm going to tell you. Maybe they are intel police "
"Lo ... why are the police looking for you?"
They were silent because one of the guests was coughing.
"Come on let's meet it," Prayogo said to his wife trying to escape.

When the door of the house creaked and opened, one man sat down immediately, and the two stood just in case.
"Please sit down!" Prayogo said when he was standing at the door.
"Yes, Prayogo's father right?" Asked the short-haired man with no small talk.
"Yes, sorry, who are you?" He asked tentatively.
"I am the father of the father in PT Mulia."
"How come I never saw you at the factory?"
"We're part of the field, never ngantor."
"I am today actually want to see a doctor and not go to work"
"We went to the doctor, went to the factory!"
"Can not it be tomorrow morning?"
"No!" He replied firmly threateningly.

At nine Prayogo's car and three people who picked him up arrived at the factory. As they entered the factory gates the driver honked, and the black-painted gate opened. But how surprised was Prayogo and the three men in the car because in front of the factory's office was lined with police cars and many well-armed policemen were clustered there.

"What's the Bang?" Asked the man next to Prayogo to Cepak.
"Ah, maybe just a rally. The employees of all factories do like demonstrations, "he replied calmly.
"But how many are the police?"
"Ordinary... It's police work."

The car stopped in front of the security post and the four men got out of the car. Suddenly a plainclothes police officer ambushed him.
"Raise your hand!" The police said, pointing a gun at the man with the crew cut. Another policeman pointed his pistol at the two long haired men. Proyogo was scared to death at the gun of his head. He peed in his pants.

I stammered, is not Prayogo, my poor neighbor being in prison? As everyone reminded me, who suddenly became a child, became a toddler again, I hurriedly bought food and drinks continued to visit Prayogo in the home sell of my city........

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