Emely's True Love

Instantly, emily immediately instantly shocked when his lover proposed.

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Emely and Paul have been in a relationship for 5 years, the obstacles they face, they meet their friend's blessing, introducing them both, and soon afterwards, paul falls to emely, they walk together, but when it emely is in contact with men lain, tapi sempat jalan dengan paul.

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Apparently emely also interested in paul, so they invented, emely broke with his lover for paul, paul not the rich, paul the simple man, all given by emely to paul, until they sleep together.

After a relationship, paul cheating from emely, emely know it, but he remains patient and enduring, as long as they are in a relationship, paul always cheating, not only 1 woman, but many women who are invited on a date by paul, but emely remain patient.

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Long paul surrender with the patience and goodness emely, emely never cheating, because he believes paul good and responsible person, by way of maintaining relationship, emely get true love paul

Paul realized during this woman who had been dating her is the best woman that is emely.

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