
The world is relative.

The Middle-earth continent is far opposite to Daxizhou across the ocean. The terrain in the east is high, and the sky there seems to be high. The clouds rise from the land on the sea, and they continue to float there, eventually gathering together and not being scattered all year round. 

Here is the cloud tomb - the tomb of all the clouds in the world. 

There is a lonely peak in the deepest part of the cloud tomb. The peak is straight into the void, and I don’t know where to go. 

Legend has it that the world consists of five continents, each with different landscapes, and only those who have entered the sacred realm can see all the scenery. For ordinary people, the legend is just a legend. They don't know where the rest of the continent is. They don't know how to go. They don't know that the lonely peak in the tomb is the gateway to other continents. 

Naturally, no one has ever seen the scenery above the clouds. Here, the calm clouds are like white silk stalks spreading in all directions. There seems to be no end. The empty mirror above is an endless black abyss with countless stars. 

Suddenly, two stars lit up and became brighter and brighter. It turned out to be approaching the mirror at a high speed. The two stars came to the front of the mirror to see clearly. It turned out to be the holy white flame of the two groups. 

Isolating a spider-like crack on the mirror between the real world and the night sky, and then repairing it instantly. 

The two sacred flames have appeared in the real world of the mirror in some magical way. The thin air is constantly fluctuating by the burning - it is not a fire, it is just its eyes. 

The whole world, because of the huge adventurous uneasiness, the light is constantly refracting, and there is a mountain-like shadow on the cloud. The space begins to deform and seems to be crushed. 

A golden dragon appears between the void and the clouds. 

The red sun in the distance was completely obscured by its huge body. The world of tens of thousands of kilometers above the clouds was dimmed. The temperature around it dropped sharply. The clouds began to crystallize, reflecting countless rays of light and becoming weird. The glittering crystal mirror is general. Because of the discoloration of the heavens and the earth, this is the majesty of the top life.

The golden dragon overlooks the world and looks indifferent. 

The scenery on the cloud, it has been seen many times. 

The golden dragon flew toward the lonely peak on the horizon. When it was about to approach, the horrible dragon body sank into the depths of the clouds, and it was not seen. The endless amount of fog was broken by the horrible and huge body. There is a rocky slab between the peaks of the peaks. It is steep and extremely steep. There are no plants, no moss, and it is like a grave. 

In this way, I flew deep into the fog. After a long day and night, I didn’t know how far I flew, but I was still in the fog. I didn’t encounter anything else. I just could see the moss between the cliffs, and the clouds were higher than the top. It must be a lot thicker, perhaps a self-squeezing relationship. The cloud begins to form a lot of crystals, which is water droplets, and the air is also moist. 

The Golden Dragon has no interest in these changes and continues to fly below. 

The plants in the Lonely Peak are getting more and more, the clouds are getting more and more wet, the water drops on the cliffs, and gradually becomes the water flow of countless green leaves. Numerous thousands of fine streams of water linger in the cliffs and fall into the fog. 

The golden dragon looked at the trickle between the lonely peaks, and the look in the eyes became a lot more dignified. The two groups of gods became more and more secluded - here are the tombs of all the clouds, and the source of all the water. 

Countless streams of water fall from the lonely peaks, and it only looks at one of them. 

The golden dragon is in the fog, and as the stream flows silently, it goes through countless days and nights, and it seems to be repeated forever, but at some point... the fog in front of it is scattered. 

Before the clouds, it is the ground. 

The lower edge of the cloud is very smooth, completely dependent on the ups and downs of the ground, perfectly guaranteeing a distance of five feet between the cloud and the surface, just a human height, seems to come from the design of the creator. The five-foot space between the surface and the clouds leads to distant places. There is light in the distance, but there is no sun. On the surface, there are countless streams. 

The mist dissipated before the huge dragon head, revealing the ground and the creek.

The stream comes from the wet dew in the Lonely Peak. It is clear and calm, and there is a tub in the stream. There are several layers of linen in the basin. There is a baby on the cloth. The baby's face is slightly green, his eyes are closed, and he is obviously born. Long time. 

The fog on the brook blooms like a flower, and there are countless thousands of petals. It is crowded, surging, broken, squeaking, a golden faucet bigger than the palace, slowly exploring the clouds and coming to the stream. on. 

The five-foot distance between the stream and the fog is very narrow for it - the body of the golden dragon is hidden in the fog, and the dragon's head is partially hidden in the fog, which is more majestic, mysterious, and terrifying. 

The golden dragon looked quietly at the stream. 

The tub is still slightly ups and downs in the stream. 

Among the small tubs, they are abandoned, closed-eyed, green-faced newborn babies. 


...... The 

fog is getting scattered and everything is quiet. 

However, the silence is only temporary...the depth of the fog, even until the vicinity of the Lonely Peak, almost at the same moment, there are countless screams, panic screams and howls! 

I thought that in the world of silence and inanimateness, there were so many birds and beasts hidden in the fog. The sound of flapping wings was everywhere in the fog. The unicorn panicked and broke the sound of the giant tree, and even had a very clear Fengming! 

An invisible line of fire formed by a god, spread from the stream to the sky, the wet grass, suddenly became very dry, even the water in the stream, the edges are curled up! 

There is still no emotion in the golden dragon's eye, noble, indifferent, and the king is on the horizon. 

Under the clouds, the world is running away. It doesn't care. Even the phoenix, it doesn't care. It just stares at the stream in front of it and stares at the tub on the creek. The Lonely Peak dropped hundreds of thousands of streams, and it only stared at the stream; after 30,000 years, it came to the world again, just for the baby in the basin, how can we look away?

A very thin filament slowly falls, the light filament is golden in appearance, and the inside is sacred white, as if it can light itself, the front end of the filament is very thin, and the back section is thicker until it is like an arm. Extremely smooth and perfect, especially the luster that shines from the depths, adding beauty. 

The material of this light wire is like gold jade, which feels heavy, but it is actually very light. As the breeze on the stream keeps swaying, it seems to be dancing, wanting to touch the tub, but it is instantaneous Take back. 

That is the dragon must of the golden dragon. 

At this time, the fire in the eyes of the golden dragon has become less eternal and stable, and the indifferent has been replaced by thinking, seemingly hesitating. The front end of the two dragons, like the soft fingers, touched gently on the edge of the tub on the creek, as if touching, but actually did not touch. 

This golden dragon has passed through a very long period of time and has unimaginable wisdom. However, the tub at this time seems to be a problem that cannot be solved - the emotions in its eyes are getting more and more Complex, eager, alert, hesitant, and finally became a struggle, perhaps unintentional, perhaps intentional, the wind above the creek changed slightly, the dragon that was supposed to wipe the edge of the tub gently Trembling, finally the first real contact with the tub, even under the baby's ear in the basin! 

It was such a slight contact that it caused an extremely dramatic change - two sacred fires in the depths of the golden dragon's eye, which slammed into a thousand stars, and the stars in the ocean, ** barely exposed Cold and greedy! 

That **** is praise, it is moving. 

It is a praise for life, and it is because of life. 

It is the most primitive desire of life. 

The golden dragon looked at the tub on the creek, opened his mouth, and thundered it like a jade. 

The baby in the basin still has his eyes closed and he does not know what will happen next time. 

The stream was shrouded in shadow. 

The dragon falls on the circumference of the tub.

The next moment, the baby in the tub and basin will become the food of the golden dragon. 

Just at this time. 

One hand falls on the edge of the tub and pulls the tub to the side of the stream! 

It was a hand full of scars, some thin and small. 

In the sound of the water, the stream was smashed, and it was only hand-carrying the tub and desperately ran to the stream. 

The owner of the hand is a three-four-year-old boy. 

The little boy pulled the tub to the bank, hid between the shore stone and his body, then turned and pulled out the sword at the waist, looking at the horrible, huge golden dragon head on the stream. 

This is a very strange little boy. 

He licked one eye and missed an ear. When he was running hard in the creek, he could see that his legs were awkward. Looking at the empty sleeves, there was only one hand. 

No wonder he can only hide the tub behind him before he can pull out the sword. 

Looking at the huge dragon head on the stream, the little boy's face is pale and his teeth are squeaky, not frozen by the ice cold stream, but because of the fear in his heart. 

This is the first time he saw a real dragon. He didn't even know what the dragon was. He only knew the fear, but he didn't escape. Instead, he took the thin wooden sword and kept the pot behind him. 

The golden dragon looks indifferently to the little boy. Only the superpower who has also entered the sacred field can see the deepest anger and coldness in his eyes. 

The little boy shouted something, his face was pale, his fear was abnormal, but he did not loosen the pot in his hand. 

The golden dragon is angry, and the dragon's breath shrouds the two sides of the creek, and death is coming. 

The wooden sword in the hand of the boy fell into the water, and he turned and took the tub into his arms. 

The scales of the golden dragon and the fog rubbed, and there were countless days of fire, and the stream began to burn. 

At this time, a middle-aged Taoist appeared on the bank.

The middle-aged Taoist man looked at the golden dragon on the stream and looked calm. 

The skyfire on the stream suddenly went out. 

The golden dragon looked at the middle-aged Taoist and gave a dragon! 

The dragon owl is extremely long, as if it will never stop. It is a very complicated syllable. It sounds like the most complicated music, and it is like the most horrible hurricane in nature, mixed with unimaginable power! 

The middle-aged Taoist looked at the golden dragon and said a word. 

It is a word of a single syllable. The sound is extremely weird and difficult to understand. It seems that it is not like a human language. The fragments seem to contain infinite information, and the ancient meaning is full! 

The golden dragon understood, but it disagreed. 

Then the fog on the stream violently surging. 

The dragon spurts everywhere, and the wet grassland and woods on the creek instantly turn into a horrible fire. 

The little boy was facing the creek. He didn't know what was going on. He lowered his head in fear and closed his eyes. He just held the tub in his arms tight. 


...... I 

don’t know how long it took, the riverside finally calmed down. 

The little boy raised his courage and looked back. He saw the clear water and the fire on both sides of the river had already been extinguished. Only the charred trees and the cracked stones were telling the horror of the previous battle. 

There was a scream in the depths of the clouds. The whistling sound is full of pain, unwillingness and remorse. It tells the world's five continents that his previous hesitation has brought sad regrets. 

The little boy was shocked, holding the tub with one hand, limping from the stream to the shore, walking to the middle-aged Taoist, and looking into the depths of the clouds. 

The middle-aged Taoist reached out and smashed the flame of his shoulder. 

What the little boy thinks of, it is difficult to lift the tub.

The middle-aged Taoist took the tub and gently picked up the baby in the basin. The right finger tipped the linen and landed on the baby's body. The next moment, his brow wrinkled. 

"Your life... really bad." He looked at the baby wrapped in burlap and said mercy. 



East of the mainland, there is a town called Xining, there is a small stream outside the town, there is a mountain on the bank, there is a temple in the mountain, there is no monk in the temple, only a middle-aged Taoist There are two disciples who practice and practice here. 

The mountain is an unnamed green hill. The temple is an abandoned Buddhist temple. The two sons are the big ones, and the small one is Chen Changsheng. 

Xining Town is in the territory of Zhou. The Da Zhou Dynasty has established Taoism as a state religion since 800 years ago. Until now, during the orthodox years, the state religion dominated the world, and it is even more respectable. According to the truth, the three men and the masters should live the days of Jinyiyu food, but the town of Xining is too remote. The temple is more remote, and people are rare in the weekdays, so they can only live a rough life. 

Taoist people naturally want to practice the Tao. There are countless ways to practice the world today. The Taoist method taught by the middle-aged Taoist is completely different from other sectarian Taoism. It does not pay attention to spiritual practice, ignores the life of the star, does not care about the soul, but only remembers it: Back. 

The rest of the people began to recite the Taoist classics since childhood. Chen Changsheng was forced to face the old books with yellow eyes just after opening his eyes. The first thing he knew was the classics of the house. After learning to speak, I began to learn to recognize the words, and then began to memorize the words on those classic books. 

I learned it from time to time, and I was able to learn from it. This is the life of two small children in the temple. 

Woke up in the morning, they are endorsing, the sun is burning, they are endorsing, the bells are broken, they are endorsing. Spring blossoms, Xia Lei shock, autumn wind bleak, winter snow and cold, they are on the ridge, on the creek, under the tree, in the plum side, holding the Taoist reading, carrying, do not know the time Passed.

In the temple, there is a whole house full of Taoist books. The rest of the people were bored when they were seven years old. There are 3,000 volumes, 3,000 volumes, one or hundreds of words, or a thousand words, the shortest. The gods are only three hundred and fourteen words, and the longest longevity is full of more than 20,000 words. This is what they want to carry. 

The two brothers and sisters kept reciting, only to remember, not to find a solution, they have long known that Master will never answer any doubts about Dao, and will only say: "Remember, nature can understand." 

For those in the world For the enlightenment children who are playful, this kind of life is really unimaginable. Fortunately, the green hills are deserted, there are few people, no foreign objects, and you can concentrate on it. The two children are not boring, so they don’t feel dull. Carrying it all day long, it took a few years without knowing it. 

One day, the sound of reading that has not stopped for several years stops. The two children sat on the rock, shoulder to shoulder, a book on the knees of the two, a look at the book, and look at each other, some look awkward. 

At this point they have already returned to the last volume, but there is no way to continue, because they can't understand, the words in this volume are very strange - accurate, it is very strange, those radicals and strokes are clearly known , combined, it has become a completely weird thing, how to read? What do you mean? 

The two returned to the temple to find middle-aged Taoists. 

The middle-aged Taoist said: "The avenue is three thousand. You are looking at the last volume. This volume is 1,600 words. According to legend, there is a hidden meaning in heaven and earth. No one can fully understand the meaning of it, let alone you? " 

Chen Changsheng asked:" Master, you do not know "? 

middle-aged Taoist shook his head and said:." Who can say that they really do not understand, I can not " 

fellow on the visual look, feel some regret, though still a child However, it is naturally not pleasing to have three thousand tracks hidden to the present day. But after all, it is not an ordinary child. From the time of ignorance, it begins to accompany the Taoist, and the temperament is also somewhat light. The two are ready to turn and leave. 

At this moment, the middle-aged Taoist continued: "...but I can read."

Since that day, the middle-aged Taoist people have begun to teach the last volume of the Taoist dictionary, and to pronounce the pronunciation word by word. The sounds are particularly weird. Very simple monosyllabic, but they need to use a certain muscle in the throat, and have special vocal cords. Requirements, in short, is not like the sound that normal humans can make. 

Chen Changsheng did not understand at all. It was just like a duckling. He honestly followed the sound of Master's teaching. The rest of the people occasionally remembered the word that Master had said to the terrorist creature many years ago. 

Yu Ren and Chen Changsheng used to master the pronunciation of 1,600 words for a long time, but they still did not understand their meaning. They asked the middle-aged Taoists that they could not get answers. At the time, they were already at the last one. It took a whole year on the roll, and then they started to read the last volume as before, until they could recite it. 

When they thought they had finally got rid of the life of the apostasy, the middle-aged Taoist asked them to start reading the second time, but the helpless children were forced to start repeating again, or because of repetition, this time reading the Taoist Tibetans, they Instead, I feel a lot harder and even feel a bit miserable. 

It was also at this time that they began to be puzzled. Why did Master want to read these Taoists himself? Why not teach yourself to practice? Ming Ming Dao wrote that Taoist people should practice the Tao, and should pursue longevity. 

At that time, the rest of the ten-year-old, Chen Changsheng six-and-a-half-year-old, it is in this autumn, there are white cranes coming from the clouds, bringing greetings from distant people and a letter of essays, written on the birthday of the characters and one Marriage books and tokens - a dignitary who was once saved by a middle-aged Taoist, wants to live up to the promises of the year. 

The middle-aged Taoist looked at the marriage book and smiled, then looked at the two disciples. The rest of the people waved their hands and pointed at their own eyes that could not be seen. The smile refused. Chen Changsheng looked stunned. He didn't understand what it meant. He accepted the marriage book in a confused way, and he had a fiancee from then on. 

In the following years, every year, the white crane will break through the clouds, bring the greetings of the noble person in Kyoto, and bring some interesting little gifts to Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng gradually became clear about the matter, knowing what the marriage contract meant. Every night at night, looking at the wedding book lying quietly in the drawer by starlight, he couldn’t tell the feeling, thinking that the person heard that he was almost as big as himself. My fiancee, some quiet joy, a little shy, more stunned. 

A calm reading career, when Chen Changsheng was ten years old, there was an accident. One night, after retiring the 1st and 6th words of the last volume of the Taoist collection, he suddenly felt that his consciousness had drifted away from the body and began to float in the woods in the green hills. He could not sleep well. The body began to smell a strange smell. 

Not floral, not leafy, not fatty. It’s faint, but it’s been lingering in the night wind for a long time. It’s thick, floating into the nose, but it’s so ethereal. It’s not like the fragrance that can appear in the human world. It’s unpredictable and extremely attractive. 

The first thing that happened to be Chen Changsheng was the rest of the people. He smelled the strange smell and his look became extremely severe. 

The leaves are covered in a slightly darker green hill. There are lions and tigers, and there are cranes and dances. There are thunder frogs that should appear in the summer nights. The clouds in the east of Qingshan are dare to enter the depths of the clouds. The shadow, I do not know what creatures, under the gaze of countless life greedy and fearful eyes, Chen Changsheng is scattered with strange fragrance, sleep with his eyes closed, I do not know when to wake up. 

The rest of the people fanned the wind on the side of the couch, trying to fan away the scent of Chen Changsheng, because the scent made him scream, and he gave birth to a very weird, terrifying thought. He must fan the wind and put this The thoughts also fanned away. 

The middle-aged Taoist did not know when he came to the wing. He stood by the couch and looked at Chen Changsheng, who was closed his eyes. He said something that only he himself understood: "Where is it?" The 

night passed. 

At the moment when the morning light fell on the green hills, the strange smell of Chen Changsheng suddenly disappeared, and he couldn’t smell it anymore. He replied to the former appearance, the thousands of strange beasts in Qingshan and the horrible figure behind the clouds, and I don’t know. Time to leave. 

The rest of the people looked at the sleeping younger brother. They finally stopped panicking and sighed. They wanted to wipe off the cold sweat on their foreheads. Only when they were desperately shaking their fans for a night, couldn’t move.

Chen Changsheng opened his eyes and woke up. Although he slept for a night, he knew what had happened. He looked at the painful brother. His face became pale. He asked, "Master, what happened to me?" The 

middle-aged Taoist looked at him and was silent for a long time. After that, he said: "You are sick." 

According to the middle-aged Taoist, Chen Changsheng's illness is due to congenital weakness, the nine meridians in the body can not be connected, the strange smell of last night, it is the soul can not relay the cycle, can only be Forced to sweat out, those sweats are the indispensable essence of the soul, naturally with a strange fragrance, this is a strange disease. 

"That... can you cure?" 

"No, no one can." 

"Can't cure the disease... Is that life?" 

"Yes, that is your life." 



Since the age of ten After that, the white crane never came to Castle Peak. The news broke down on the other side of Kyoto. The other side of the marriage book seemed to have never appeared. Chen Changsheng occasionally stood on the bank of the river and looked at the West. He would think of this matter. 

Of course, the more things he thinks are his own illness, or his life... He has not become weak, except for some who are easily trapped, looking very healthy, not like a young man, he even started I doubt Master’s judgment. But what if Master’s judgment is correct? Chen Changsheng decided to leave the temple and go to the prosperous world to see if he could see it. He would go to see the legendary Tianshuling and go back to the marriage. 

"Teacher, I am leaving." 

"Where are you going?" 

"Go to Kyoto." 


"Because I want to live." 

"I said, it is not sick, it is life." 

"I want to change my life." ""

"In the past 800 years, only three people have changed their lives." 

"Is that all very amazing people?" 


"I am not, but I also want to try." 

Kyoto, Chen Changsheng always wants Going, no matter whether he can cure his illness, he always has to go, not only because he wants to change his life, but also because the other side of the marriage book is in Kyoto. 

He packed his bags and took over the little sword that the rest of the brothers handed over and turned and left. 

Fourteen-year-old juvenile Taoist, down the mountain.
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