The Seance - Friday Fictioneers

Last week I managed to write a post using my ancient iPad. I just couldn't seem to copy the text onto this forum so... now that I am fully connected to a real computer, I figured I'd share with you my 100-word story.

I never thought I'd manage to play this week. I have no access to my computer as the damages caused by my water woes are finally being fixed! Woot! A brand-spanking-new floor is being installed as we speak. Furniture is hanging out in a truck somewhere and I could not watch TV if I tried as it's way too noisy.  So, while I'm sitting in my backyard I am plugging away at this with my ancient iPad. So how addictive is this Friday Fictioneers business, eh? Thank you always to Rochelle for keeping us interested and this week, thank you to Janet Webb for the use of her lovely photo.


Genre:  Humour
Word count: 100

The Seance

Everything was set up just right. The jar full of magical sparkles was the key, according to Madame Lespérance.  How serendipitous her name meant "hope".  Judy felt it a good omen.  She would be able to contact Stanley for sure!

All she had to do was wait for sundown to light the candle and start the special incantation.

Dusk finally arrived, she closed her eyes and recited "Oh great spirit, help me find Stan--"

"Judy! What in the name of hell...?"

"Stanley!  My spell worked! You're here!"

"For the love of God... I told you I'd be back for supper..."

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