Letter From A Terran Wanderer

Dear Family,

I know it has been a while since you have heard from me. In truth, I feel very perplexed in some ways. I know I've come a long way in space and time to be where I am. There is a deep fountain of feelings that well up as I think of home. For at least I feel an odd displacement that cannot be explained solely by the hectic and strange habits of the inhabitants of this planet.

I do know that by the way they reckon time here, it has been a few earth decades since I began my project. The progress is slow, but I savor each and every step. They call their planet Terra or Earth. It is a land of inertia and stone, where density is crowned nobility and ignorance is considered humorous. From the outside, the ways of the natives appear quite barbaric, but they really have good hearts underneath it all.


The earthlings are beautiful creatures, very energetic and emotional. They are rudimentary when it comes to higher logical abilities and still largely function using the animal portion of their consciousness. It is fascinating to watch them grow! They are learning over the course of millennia the basic truths our people encoded in the cosmic grid-work of the Milky Way billions of years ago.

They are quite stubborn and often repeat the same mistakes thousands or millions of times! It is to be expected from such a young species that is just beginning to enter adolescence. I love to forgive them every day and continue to be a conduit for their further expansion, when they are ready. Besides, it is a huge challenge for Terrans to become more self-aware since they are being systematically poisoned by the total weaponization of the air, food and water supply. It is funny to see the looks on the faces of the ones who call themselves "elite" that are behind this when they see that the people are still miraculously alive!


They do not fully comprehend the power of Soul, and they always underestimate the power of Sovereignty within each person. So they continue to use very low energy dark magical techniques to hypnotize and harvest the conscious energy of the ones they insult by calling "useless eaters." I feel compassion for the ones who believe this way because I can tell they are very, very sad, and all they want is to realize themselves as Universal Love.

I'm thankful to have studied the cycle of conscious beings awakening so thoroughly. Now I see how correct the deep wisdom of my teachers was! It almost baffles the comprehension, but they are all entrained by a very persistent idea, that of "separation" which is the false notion that there are hard delineations that mark the boundary between what they call "things." It was so helpful to study the false concept of duality... I know I did! But I can't quite see the faces of my peers and my mentors. I just remember we all marveled at how amazing the Universe is, that it allows the existence of such blatant delusions in order to let every fragment of the totality choose its own route back to realizing its inherent oneness with the Infinite Creator.


I really miss the softness and power of our mother tongue. This human tongue is harsh and guttural; I speak it only as much as I need to. It's necessary since the telepathic ability of Earth humans is purposely repressed. In fact, the maintainers of societal structures toil away their whole lifetimes just to indoctrinate the most brilliant minds with totally incorrect information that is held to with complete dogma that they call "Science." Of course it is rather imprecise and inaccurate since it is based on the fallacious concept of causality, but you should see how pleased they are with their ideas! They make it all sound very profound and lofty, and have great success in brainwashing the people to think that the more complicated something is, the greater its depth.

They are quite obsessed with sex and don't realize it's main purpose is a transcendent union between two complementary beings, which miraculously creates a semi-autonomous third presence by the phenomenon of deep energetic blending. They actually think birth only occurs physically and don't notice that they create offspring every time they sexually connect with another! They let their genitals control their whole thinking and lifestyles and only a few learn how to conserve and cultivate the intimate energy, transforming it into more rapid vibrations. Of course it's not their fault, because most of them confuse sex with Love. They are really looking for closeness and union. Some of them have started to realize this and have begun to connect intimately on higher levels. It's very lovely and brings tears of joy to my eyes!


It is almost time for me to retire, since it's getting close to the end of one diurnal cycle. I look forward to connecting with you all in the dream realm. Sometimes I feel a massive sorrow because my memories are so blurred, but I know that we are still together, always have been, and always will be. I have a lot of hope for the Earth and I'm looking forward to doing my best again tomorrow and every day. How my heart longs to be back on our planet where Silence and Bliss resound from every crevice of our living macrocosmic Unity. I am so grateful for all those lessons we did on patience, because that way I can face the seven more decades of my assignment here with courage and grace.

Ours in Ever-Infinite Energy,
The Terran Wanderer


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