New Series: To Save Dragons


I'm working on a new series. All fantasy.

This time I've submitted the prequel to an anthology that will include several very successful indie authors and I am REALLY excited at that prospect! I should know soon if I've made it past the first round.

Self-publishing is definitely a full-time job and slow to get going, but I feel like I'm doing pretty well and my income is growing every month.

June: $18.00
July $100.00
August $200.00
And I'm on track to double that yet again this month!!! If I could just keep doubling that, it wouldn't be long before I was making a liveable wage :)

Anyway, here is a snippet of the next story that I'm working on (amongst a few others, but this is my inspired story at the moment, so it's getting far more of my attention!)


I STILL write "freewrite-style" and write really clean drafts. As long as the story is even vaguely feeling inspired, I can consistently write about 3-3,500 words an hour. Now, if I could just stay focused enough to keep my ass focused, I could bang out an entire series in a month!!!

Anyway, I owe @mariannewest so much because when I'm stuck, I look for freewrite prompts to get past writer's block and it almost always helps. She got me started with creative writing again and that has seriously changed my life!

I've been writing a lot, probably to escape some of the stressful shit going on, but all in all, things really are starting to look up again. Thank goodness!!!

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