Dreamers: The Awakening!

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An excerpt of my upcoming paranormal thriller Dreamers: The Awakening. Enjoy!!

Dinobi stormed out of the house, blind with rage as he left the gifts behind. However, the moment he stepped foot outside, the clouds opened up and a heavy downpour began. The sudden stopped him in his tracks as he was drenched to the bone in seconds.

“Dinobi…” Calista ran into the rain after him and took his hand, “please, I’m sorry.”

His mouth fell open as he looked at her. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He had nothing to say to her. So he pulled his hand from her grip and walked to his car. The rain was like little bullets hitting his body, but he didn’t feel a thing. He was in a zone where nothing could touch him.

“Dinobi!” She cried after him, her gown plastered to her body.
He started the car and floored the pedal. As if the vehicle could sense the mood of its driver, it spat forward with a jolt and tore into the road.

Terminator by Asake was playing on the stereo. The needle of the speedometer was steadily climbing as he kept pumping up the speed. The rain was pouring furiously, coming with a fierce wind that was buffeting the car from all sides.

Night had fallen, so he turned on the headlamps. Thunder was like a loud clap reverberating through the sky, the world was lit up for seconds each time lightning sizzled and electrified the atmosphere.

Thinking about everything Calista did to him, his heart pounded furiously in his chest. Just like the rain that was drumming on the roof of the car.

With a loud screech of tires, he swerved the car into Kingsley Emu Street just as the music changed and Burna Boy’s Last Last started playing.

“Ahhh!” He cried out in anger and pain as the car sped through the road.

The storm was blinding, he was going too fast. He saw the porthole too late and stepped on the brakes in a pure reflex action.

The brakes applied immediately, but the ground was wet and the halt was too sudden. Even though the tires stopped rolling, the car skidded across the asphalt and plunged into the porthole. The entire car rattled and Dinobi’s head slammed hard into the steering wheel and then into the window beside him. His vision went white for a second and when it cleared, he could see a young boy in the seat beside him.

The car then tipped over and fell on its back, rolling once before slamming into a shop at the side of the road and ending up on its side. Two tires rolled lazily in the air before coming to a stop.

And all went dark.

Experience the paranormal thriller on Amazon KDP or Selar on Dec 27th, 2023!


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