Slaughterhouse - Part 14: Cow's Can't Fly!

Bob and Clara returned to the farm. Shapeshifting as it turns out is quite draining, so Clara/Clarabelle was relieved to pop back into her usual cow form and rest on her favourite cow-sized bean bag chair. Clarabelle turns on the giant screens; she wanted to ensure that Charles was in her compliance.

Clarabelle, Bob and all the girls sat agog watching Charles actions. Clarabelle was delighted to see that Charles complied, and Jim was going to face the justice he deserved for shooting John and trying to bribe his way to freedom. However, Clarabelle was less than pleased to learn about Jim Smith's high tech security system and the fact that both John and Charles had viewed proof of her crimes.

The young Becca was first to speak, "Oh no, Clarabelle what are we going to do now? We are all going to jail or worse the slaughterhouse!" Becca was thoroughly panicked, and now crying. Always the dramatic one.

Bob was looking quite pale, realising that he was in possession of all of the stolen cows. Bob Braveheart never, in his life never broke any law, but now was facing possible incarceration. "Enough is enough Clarabelle; things are starting to get out of hand here, and I don't like it," fumed Bob. "I've had enough of your trouble; I'm supposed to be enjoying my retirement."

"How dare you speak to me that way," said Clarabelle menacingly. "I thought we were best friends Bob? I thought we were on the same team with the same goals,"

For the second time, Bob felt fear around Clarabelle, and again Bob found himself in the precarious positions of being pinned to the ceiling, this time, however, he was in a choke hold.

Becca, Doris, Saffron and the other cows were stunned that Clarabelle was hurting their beloved Bob, but could do nothing for him since they were under Clarabelle's control, and lacked their own free will.

"Stop," cried Bob as he struggled to free himself. "You're hurting me!"

Clarabelle used her mind control to steal Bob's remaining free will and reprogrammed him in her favour. Bob promptly forgets this incident, and their previous disagreement and Clarabelle and Bob were once again the best of friends. Clarabelle places Bob back in his recliner softly.

"Sorry, I drifted off," said Bob "Did I miss something?"

"Everything's fine Bob!," said Clarabelle brightly. "Why don't you call it a night and head back to the house, it's been a long day."

Bob heads back to the house as commanded, without knowing he's under control. Wishing everyone a good night as he leaves.

Clarabelle makes herself busy fixing the mess Charles created. She starts with John. She alters John's memory. John now remembers how thoughtful it was of Police Chief Charles, to visit him in the hospital. He especially enjoyed watching "Chicken Run" with Charles. John Svashta had a new favourite movie and a new friendship with Charles.

"Easy, peasy," says Clarabelle with a grin.

Clarabelle, couldn't help but giggle to herself about her plans for Charles. Charles was currently on the way back to the station thinking that he has broken the case with the surveillance footage in his possession. Of course, instead of surveillance footage, he has a pirated copy of the movie "Chicken Run". Everyone at the station will think he is a lunatic since everybody knows cows can't fly, Clarabelle and her girls had a good laugh about how it may unfold.

Meanwhile back at the station, Jim Smith sits in a cold dark jail cell with a stiff metal bed and only a sorry looking pillow and blanket for comfort. For the first time in his life, Jim is in a situation that he has no control of and he doesn't like it. With no family or close friends to help him keep the farm running, Jim feels that he has little choice but to call in his estranged son, Garnet. The last time Jim spoke to his son was about fifteen years. There was a massive fight. Garnet didn't believe in the way Jim conducted business on his farm. He felt the cows were subject to unnecessary cruelty, and unsanitary conditions. They never could agree on anything. Garnet had nothing but contempt for his father. Reluctantly, Jim asks the guard if he can make one phone call.

Jim dials his son's number, "Garnet, it's your Dad, we need to talk I am in trouble."

"Fifteen years Dad. Fifteen years, since you told me I wasn't good enough to be your son and cut me out of your life. Why would I help an asshole like you? Especially the way you treated Mum before she passed away, slapping her around all the time. You are a worthless piece of garbage," said Garnet indignantly. "What trouble have you got yourself into now Dad?"

"Son, I desperately need your help, I want to make amends," pleaded Jim. "I am in jail for attempted murder and bribing a cop. I need you to take over the farm, and I need you to get me a lawyer."

Unknown to Jim, Garnet had become a documentary filmmaker and was making documentaries focusing on animal rights. He recently made an undercover documentary about cruelty towards chickens in factory farms. Garnet new all about the poor conditions at the Smith farm and saw an opportunity in his father's request; an exposé of his father's farm, and a chance to fix it.

"Why would I do anything for you dad? What's in it for me? We don't even like each other." said Garnet with a growl.

"I know I have wronged you, son, for that, I apologise." Jim feared that he would lose the farm with all of the legal bills coming his way, so he made a fast decision without thinking it through. "Garnet, if you come help, I will sign the ownership of the farm over to you."

Garnet was taken aback by this offer and tried not to sound too excited when he accepted the offer, keeping his ulterior motives off the radar.

"Ok Dad," I will be there tomorrow.

Meanwhile, back at the Braveheart farm, Clarabelle and her girls made plans for that evening. With instruction, Clarabelle had taught all of the girls to fly, and she now felt they were ready for their first mission as a group.

Clarabelle, Becca, Doris, Saffron and the others all took flight toward the Svashta farm. Time to bring everyone home to the Braveheart farm.

If anyone were in those fields, they would have been witness to an incredible sight, fifty-one cows travelling across the moonlit sky toward the Braveheart farm, all while Bob slept.

End of Part 14

This story is part of an ongoing collaboration with my friend on the other side of the world @svashta.

Feel like catching up?

Part 1 by @svashta

Part 2 by @svashta

Part 3 by @svashta

Part 3 by @braveheart29

Part 4 by @braveheart29

Part 5 by @svashta

Part 6 by @braveheart29

Part 7 by @svashta

Part 8 by @braveheart29

Part 9 by @svashta

Part 10 by @braveheart29

Part 11 by @svashta

Part 12 by @braveheart29

Part 13 by @svashta

Enjoy! xx

Reference Images obtained from, altered with Procreate.
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