Slaughterhouse: Part 12 - The Fine Art of Shapeshifting

Before you read my story today, I just want to say thank you to all those who have taken the time to read my stories and vote on them. I am very proud to say that I reached 500 followers this past Sunday. Again, my thanks! Happy Holidays!

The rift between Bob and Clarabelle slowly melted away; Bob couldn't stay mad at Clarabelle, they were just too close to be angry at each other. Clarabelle apologised profusely for pinning him to the ceiling and ensured Bob that it would never happen again. Bob was a trusting old soul, perhaps a little naive, and a lonely old man, making it very easy for Clarabelle to manipulate Bob without him realising. The vegan in Bob agreed that both John and Jim were indeed murderers. Bob knew too well that cows are sentient beings capable of feeling pain and emotion.

Bob couldn't help but love what Clarabelle had done with the barn. A formidable "man cave" for cows and one human. Bob's new sofa had built-in heating and massage, drink holders and power outlets to charge his phone. The entertainment centre was also an internet command centre, with full voice control. Massive high-resolution screens lined the walls of the barn; no expense spared. Bob could not quite comprehend how all of this could have happened in the short time he was away saving John.

"We have a lottery ticket to cash in Bob," says Clarabelle as she comes walking out of the backroom, "how do you like my new look?" said Clarabelle. "From now on, you can just call me Clara Braveheart; I am Bobbie Braveheart's sister."

Bob couldn't believe what he was seeing. In front of him was a lovely young woman with dark hair and a trim figure, about his age-25ish (not his real age of 84). Bob thought she looked quite a bit like his grand-daughter Sydney. This lovely young woman was speaking in Clarabelle's voice.

"I have been practising a new trick, Bob, I think it will come in handy; I have mastered the fine art of shapeshifting! Let's go, Bob!" said Clarabelle with excitement.

Bob and Clarabelle, make the thirty-minute drive into the city to cash in the fifty million dollar lottery ticket to be greeted by a fanfare of photographers and well-wishers. Bob and Clara made the front page of all of the National papers and gained instant fame when Clara announced her intentions to advocate for all cows, and outlaw the slaughter of cows for food and the money would be used to achieve that end.

After an exhilarating time in the city, Bob and Clarabelle, decide to stop at the hospital to check on John Svashta. Clarabelle had plans for John, unbeknownst to Bob.

They arrive at the hospital to learn that John had undergone surgery, but is awake and doing exceptionally well, despite the close range gunshot that should have killed him.

"How are you feeling John? Remember me; it's Bobby Braveheart, and this is my sister Clara," he motions to the beautiful girl next to him.

You could tell right away, that John liked Clara, a lot. He had never seen such a lovely woman since his wife left him, and could not keep his eyes off of her.

"Thanks, Bobby, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you! I hope that asshat Jim Smith is in jail for what he's done, have you heard anything?" said John as he continued to gaze at Clara.

"I haven't heard John; we are going to stop at the police station and find out, they likely have him in jail, the police have all the evidence they need to put him away for a long time," said Bob.

Clara pipes in, "John, I think it is time for you to change your farming ways. Bobby and I will buy all of your cows for double their value, and from now on you will raise animals for companions only. You will instead farm fruit and vegetables. Oh, and you are now vegan!"

John stares at Clara blankly and replies, "Of course my darling, that sounds like a terrific idea. Maybe you and I could go out on a date when I am out of the hospital," asked John with hope in his eyes.

Bob was keenly aware that Clarabelle had John under some semblance of mind control. He was putty in her hands. John completely forgot his love for thick juicy steaks and hunting wild animals. He had gone vegan all the way for Clara.

"Sure John, we can go out! Call me when you are out of the hospital!" said Clarabelle. John eagerly accepts the cheque for his cows mentioning plans to get into the soya bean business.

Now that John was with the program, it was time to check on Jim Smith at the police station. Both Bob and Clara knew something was wrong the moment they pulled up in front of the police station. The police officer Charles at the front desk answered all their questions without uttering a single word. The moment Charles saw Bobby, he relayed the entire incident with Jim Smith in his mind.

"So why did you do it Charles?" asks Clarabelle.

Charles nervously adjusts his badge, "I don't know what you are talking about little lady."

"I know you are a corrupt cop, and I am reporting you," said Clarabelle defiantly.

"Now what is it that you think you know Missy?" said Charles, now angry.

"For one thing, I know you took a bribe from Jim Smith for $50,000, and that's the reason he is not in jail. I know about your other bribes too. You take money from drug dealers to stay quiet. You take your own mother's pension money. You sexually assaulted Joan Carver when she was twelve. I have more if you want?" said Clarabelle.

"Enough already, you've got me. What do you want from me?" said Charles now scared.

Clarabelle used her mind control on Charles. "Now Charles, you are going to be changing your ways. You will be the honest cop our town needs. No more bribes. No more payments from drug dealers and you will start treating your mother nice. You will be returning the $50,000 to Jim. You will arrest him again, this time charging him with attempted murder, and trying to bribe a cop. You have it all on tape from the interrogation, right Charles?

Charles answered with the same gaze as John, "Yes, Clara, whatever you want, you are right I need to be a good cop."

"And one more thing Charles, you are now fiercely vegan," said Clarabelle. "Now go arrest Jim."

"Anything you say, Clara," said Charles.

End of Part 12

This story is part of an ongoing collaboration with my friend on the other side of the world @svashta.

Feel like catching up?

Part 1 by @svashta

Part 2 by @svashta

Part 3 by @svashta

Part 3 by @braveheart29

Part 4 by @braveheart29

Part 5 by @svashta

Part 6 by @braveheart29

Part 7 by @svashta

Part 8 by @braveheart29

Part 9 by @svashta

Part 10 by @braveheart29

Part 11 by @svashta

Enjoy! xx

Images by me!

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