Slaughterhouse - Part 10 - Bob to the Rescue

Bob wakes the following morning, energised and ready to start the day, despite having slept in his clothes on the coach two nights in a row. Clarabelle and her herd of six were gathered around the TV as per usual chit-chatting with each other.

"Clarabelle, you sure like the tv don`t you?", asked Bob.

"Standing in the barn all day looking at the wall isn't much fun for us, we get bored. Get it? I said board?", jokes Clarabelle. "We like to see what's going on in the world. Bob, can we buy a bigger TV?"

"Whatever, you want, Clarabelle, we can afford it after I cash in this lottery ticket," said Bob.

Bob and the girls were busy making plans for the fifty million dollar ticket when something strange happened. Both Bob and Clarabelle felt it, something was very wrong, both were receiving urgent telepathic messages from the Svashta Farm. The Svashta cows were frightened about something and crying for help. Clarabelle tells them all to shut up and speak one at a time so she can understand. As commanded the cows stop, and Clarabelle asks Frieda to speak for the group.

Frieda tries to calm herself a little and begins to speak. "Clarabelle, we need you. That man Jim is at the house with John, and he has a gun! We can hear shouting. John is in trouble. Quick they are coming toward the barn!"

"Clarabelle, I think your plan may have backfired, I'm going over there right now to straighten out this mess," said Bob angrily. "Stay here, and stay out of trouble!"

Bob jumps in his truck and speeds toward the Svashta farm. Because Bob had made a connection with John at the convenience store the day before, he was feeling John's emotions and hearing his thoughts, and knew that John and Jim were at that very moment, having a fierce confrontation. Bob steps on the gas, when he sees Jim with a gun aimed at John in his mind's eye. Then it happens, Bob, hears and feels the gunshot.

As Bob pulls into the Svashta driveway, Jim almost hits him as he is pulling out, he speeds away from the scene in his truck. Bob pulls out his iPhone and snaps a picture of the departing vehicle, as he is getting out. Bob heads straight for the barn and opens the doors to find John, bleeding on the barn floor. Bob, bends down to check him, discovering that he is still alive, only barely. Bob promptly makes a call to emergency services. While waiting for the police and ambulance, Bob checks the wound on John's chest, and he is rapidly bleeding out. Bob pulls off his own shirt to try and stop the bleeding.

When Bob's hands touch John's chest, warm healing light streams out of the palms of his hands. A moment later John open's his eye's, to see Bob leaning over him. Bob, somehow, was not surprised by his new healing ability, nothing surprised him too much anymore since Clarabelle entered his life. Bob's hands did not heal John completely, just enough to save his life and preserve the evidence.

"Jim, Jim, he shot me," said John weakly, "Call the police! Who are you?

"Don't worry, I think you are going to be okay, you are a lucky man, good thing I heard the gunshot, and found you. The ambulance will be here in no time, hold on there son," said Bob. "I'm Bobby Braveheart, Bob Braveheart's grandson," lied Bob. "You must be John Svashta."

Moments later the Police and Ambulance arrive on the scene. John, although weak, was able to make a statement to the police about the incident. Bob supplied the photo of Jim speeding away as evidence to back-up John's story and tells the Police what he knows. (He doesn't mention the monkey business he and Clarabelle had been up to on recent days, for a good reason.)

Bob agrees to look after John's cows while he is away, and then John was taken away in the ambulance, with full lights and siren. Bob makes his final statement as the forensic team arrives. The police put out an all points bulletin on Jim Smith for attempted murder. Bob heads back to Braveheart Animal Rescue to have some strong words with Clarabelle about her actions. Actions have consequences, serious consequences in this case.

When Bob arrives home, his anger turns to confusion as there was a delivery truck in the driveway, and workers were carrying large boxes into the barn. Bob, couldn't recall ordering anything. He immediately suspects Clarabelle, anger welling up in his stomach once again.

Bob, follows a worker into the barn, and his chin nearly hits the floor when he sees the interior of the barn. The barn had been transformed into a state of the art entertainment centre. The walls were lined with massive screens, and the interior of the barn looked like a posh yoga studio with large pillows here and there, cow-sized of course. Bob's old couch was replaced with a beautiful new one, vegan-friendly of course. Then he hears Clarabelle's voice coming out of the backroom, she is giving instructions to the worker.

"What's going on here Clarabelle?" said Bob telepathically. "Why are these workers taking orders from a cow?"

Clarabelle replies back telepathically, "Bob, I have learned a few new tricks, I don't know how, but I can make the workers see me whatever way I like. To them, I am a beautiful human woman, Bob Braveheart's daughter; Clarabelle. The rest of the girls are out back acting like cows. Doesn't the place look great? Everything is top of the line and fully connected to the internet and voice-activated, making it very cow-friendly."

"Clarabelle, how did you do this?" said a worried Bob.

"Easy, Bob. I used your iPad and a little magic, I can tune into the internet with my mind and do pretty much what I want."

Bob waited until the worker's left to have it out with Clarabelle.

"CLARABELLE", do you realise that your actions would have caused a murder today if I had not arrived to help John when I did. John was shot in the chest, and near death," Bob fumed.

Clarabelle was taken aback by Bob's anger toward her, she had not seen this side of Bob before, and it displeased her.

"Listen up BOB, I am in charge here." Clarabelle levitates Bob's body to the ceiling and pins him there. "Have you forgotten that both John and Jim are murderers? They have been savagely killing cows for years. John acted nice to us cow's, but it was all a sham. I ALLOWED you to save John because cows are peaceful creatures and we don't believe in murder. I am sorry about what happened to John, that wasn't part of the plan. Don't worry, Jim Smith will pay for this. Now, Bob, are you going to calm down, or should I just leave you up there for a while to think about it?"

Bob didn't much like being pinned to the ceiling so helplessly. For the first time, Bob was fearful of Clarabelle. Something more was changing with Clarabelle, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it, at any rate, he decided that it was best to stay on Clarabelle's side.

"You're right Clarabelle, I didn't think of it that way. Let me down, I don't like it up here," said Bob weakly.

Clarabelle lowers Bob gently to the floor.

End of Part 10

This story is part of an ongoing collaboration with my friend on the other side of the world @svashta.

Feel like catching up?

Part 1 by @svashta

Part 2 by @svashta

Part 3 by @svashta

Part 3 by @braveheart29

Part 4 by @braveheart29

Part 5 by @svashta

Part 6 by @braveheart29

Part 7 by @svashta

Part 8 by @braveheart29

Part 9 by @svashta

Enjoy! xx

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