Message from 2040 - Part 2: Welcome To The Hive

I enjoyed writing my entry into @pennsif 's Future Chronicles Contest, so much I decided to continue my story.
If you would like to catch up first, please click the link below

Part One

My introduction to The Hive was almost instant, sort of an electrifying rush pulsing through the very fabric of my being. When I became one with The Hive, my brain reached its full working potential. I suddenly had direct access to all the world's knowledge up until November 20th, 2040; the day I messaged myself. Additionally, I could communicate brain to brain to any other hive member thanks to Brain Link Technology; I knew every one of my colleagues intimately, secrets now impossible. Through the hive, we all became deeply interconnected, working together as one immense genius brain with a goal to build the perfect utopian society and clean up the earth. The Hive planned to use the technology of 2040 to send information to our 2017 selves so we may fix the world before reaching the current uninhabitable conditions, we would instead have our utopia.

The five-hundred million members of The Hive were mostly made up of the wealthiest one percent of the world, world leaders, great thinkers, entertainers, creatives and scientists. I didn't fit into any of those categories, but I was chosen to be part of The Hive because I learned that my son, Aiden Braveheart, was the inventor of the red pill that would save our world from its inevitable path of destruction; mom for the win! In the end, that would not make a difference since we all gained the same knowledge and power equally. The red pill was a modern marvel, not quite time travel, but allowing us to send the necessary expertise and technology back in time to 2017 when our chances to make a difference were much better. Perhaps even more incredible, the tablet was able to cure and optimise our bodies to perfect health, immune to all viruses and disease, somewhat of a software update for our DNA. The power of our minds immeasurable, as each of us knew everything, there was to know. We felt comfort and love with The Hive and our unspoken togetherness.

The world in 2040 was a terrible place of suffering. Twenty-three years of corporate greed and corruption had left Mother Earth barren of her resources, pollution levels intolerable, and it was no longer possible to provide food and housing for the vast population of nine billion. The Hive, founded in 2040 was a network of tech-revolutionaries working with The United Nations, and our leader and subjugator; The Queen. Our goal simple, save the world.

We all had the benefit of advance knowledge of all future events allowing us to work efficiently together with our plan for depopulation. We planned to approach it in a delicate way as to not alarm the public. Natural disasters were happening more frequently worldwide; these areas would be our primary targets. The Hive knew when it was time to leave an upcoming disaster area, so we always remained safe. After the disaster was over, the virus was dispensed as aid from the United Nations, distributed on mass to the needy survivors. No one suspected the clean bottled water to be tainted. Their swift deaths easily blamed on the disaster, nothing nefarious ever detected because The Hive was everywhere working non-verbally in perfect harmony, and taking control of the world in subtle ways, our scientists altering results when any questions arose from sceptics.

We might have felt remorse for the many lives being lost around the world and in and around our own neighbourhoods, but our programming kept us rational, working as one for the good of The Hive. Maybe we would have thought ourselves evil for dispensing the virus to drug addicts and other disenfranchised people of the street, but it was for the greater good and therefore acceptable. Of course, we were all perfect actors so we could show emotions when socially required, but we never lost focus on our mission objectives. We infiltrated all ranks of government and industry throughout the world with ease. Our superior minds, knowledge of the future, and mind control made it all very easy for us to take over. Once we were firmly embedded in the worlds financial and political hierarchy, there was no stopping The Hive. Hive members worldwide were advancing technology to extraordinary levels at break-neck speeds.

By June 1st, 2018 we had gained full control of the worlds financial and political system through mind control and propaganda. One world government achieved, our Queen ascends her throne after a series of natural disasters, war, and (unknown to outsiders) the virus takes the lives of one billion worldwide. The collapse of the US dollar on February 15th, 2018 sends economies and political systems into a tailspin causing global conflict and uprisings. The world welcomes The United Nations and our Queen as the new world order with open arms and hopes of peace after months of turmoil. However, there was a handful of conspiracy theorists, smart enough to see through the fog of propaganda, whom would make a little noise from time to time, but most dismissed them. The Hive subsequently silencing them forever with the virus before their message could spread.

While continuing to dispense the virus, we began to make radical changes to the world. We built a vast army of worker robots. We banned the use of gas-powered vehicles, only allowing electric cars and buses. Existing motor-vehicles retro-fitted to modern standards to avoid waste at no cost to the owners. Businesses no longer had permission to pollute, but our Hive members had the technology to show them how to produce without pollution, and reuse our waste efficiently. Mundane human jobs were replaced by our robot army, and many fell quickly into poverty. Those in poverty were offered homes and work in areas that were about to be devastated by natural disasters; sometimes a forest fire, maybe a tsunami, or perhaps a devastating earthquake, all a part of Agenda 2030, and thus far undetected by anyone but The Hive. By world order, we all were required to become vegetarian. Mass production of animals for food no longer permitted. Our drastic measures were not at all popular with the outsiders and uprisings were now a daily occurrence, but they usually resulted in furthers deaths again furthering our agenda.

We began construction of mega-sized bio-domes that would allow humans to live with clean air and protection from radiation and outside elements. There would be seven of these domes strategically located around the earth with housing for five hundred million Hive members, they would take many years to complete, but would become our refuge offering an ideal climate with every amenity, and protection from the outside. The vast expense was of no concern since we controlled the monetary system, the illusion that it was.

Although most outsiders had no idea of the existence of The Hive, Hive members were the most beloved members of society. We had a natural charisma that drew people to us, mesmerised, hanging on our every word. Our subhuman minds capable of making anyone believe whatever we wanted at the time. The Hive was unstoppable.

End of Part 2

@braveheart29 xx

Image Credits: Pixabay

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