
{What Will Be Will Be}
People around scampered to safety as they heard gun shots. Shop owners hastily locked themselves inside their shops while motorist all parked their cars; some ramming into cars
ahead of them; some ran away leaving the door of their cars
open, while others locked themselves inside their car.

Residents within the premises locked up their doors, while some were courageous enough to peep through the windows to grab what was happening. When it was clear enough that
everything had settled, few brave ones made up mostly of street touts who wanted to get the information first and later boast about it (after adding up their own tales) could be seen
approaching the scene.

They had barely gathered around the scene when the siren of a coming police patrol team was heard from a distance. In a blink of an eye, all of them dispersed item while residents leaving around watched from their windows. Some shop owners who had previously locked up peeped from their keyholes.

Parking a distance away from the crime scene, a team of four
policemen from the Special Crimes Department stepped down from their vehicle and approached the scene cautiously, guns at hand and ready to be used.

The Toyota Matrix which blocked the Prado jeep was on ignition with one of the doors open but had no occupant. Two of the policemen took over the vehicle while the other two approached the jeep from each side. From the shattered windscreen, they saw the driver resting on the steering wheel lifeless and beside the car laid a lifeless body with a face cap.
“Call in the medics,” the ranking officer ordered shifting the pistol beside the dead body away. One of the officers looking
younger than others talked over the walkie talkie perched on his shoulder.

This is patrol 04721 requesting
for urgent medical support.

There was a brief silence before
a reply came.

04721 what is your location?
Zepan bypass off Airport
04721 a medical team has been
dispatched to your location.
Copy that.

Walking to the back seat, the ranking officer slowly opened the door. Sitting in great shock was a young lady of about 23
years. “Ma’am are you ok?” he asked as he holstered his gun. The lady nodded without a word.

I am officer Owel of the Special Crimes Department. I want you to know that you are safe now.

The young lady looked at him still stunned.

Ma’am I need you to step downfrom the vehicle,

he said offering his hand to support her. The young lady took his hand as he gently led her down from the vehicle and walked away from it.

Agent Klin, take her to thehospital,

he commanded handing the young lady to the young agent who earlier called for medical support. As the agent left with the young lady, the medical team made up of a doctor and three paramedics arrived the venue in an ambulance...

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