The Fields Of Fable - Gold For The Elf ( Chapter 1)

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"Bye mum!"

"Bye mum!"

" two!" She laughed as she kissed her 10 year old twins on the cheek and gave them a smothering hug.

"Now then, remember what i have told you. No going in the woods. Do you hear me?"

They sigh simultaneously. "Yes mum!"

"Be back for 4 for your tea. Don't forget your picnic.....there is bread and fruit and.....!"


They quickly ran out of the door and giggled as they ran up the lane.

"Toby.....are you sure about this?"

"Do you want to see the unicorns?"

"Yes.....but mum said!"

"Mum's always say things like that. If we take gold to the elf then he will take us to the land of the fables."

"If we get caught...."

"We wont get caught. Stupid people get caught, we're not stupid. Look how i got the gold. I sneaked up on him like a ninja. He didn't see." Toby jumped about in excitement flinging his arms and legs into the air.

"If he had caught you. You would be in cage in his smelly house, being fed rat droppings!"

"Well he didn't did he. Rumpelstiltskin is stupid anyway, he's got yellow teeth and a knotted beard."

"That doesn't make him stupid....stupid."

"Shut up Lucy...what do you know?" He stopped dead and stretched his arm out, pushing Lucy backwards, almost falling over the pebbled path.

"Oi.... pack it in...."

"Lucy he's there....the elf!"

In the distance they could see a little green man darting around some rocks, a mop of dishevelled blonde hair hopping around on his head.

"Let's go home Toby....i'm scared."

"Go home if you want... i'm going to see the cyclopes."

"But what if they get us!"

"They wont....we are in a protective bubble."

He ran off in front. Lucy looked around, panicked, not knowing what to do next before following him into the woods to meet the elf. 

As they approached the set of rocks in where they saw the elf they slowed down in anticipation, their little hearts beating hard inside their chests.

"Surprise!" The elf jumped out from behind the rock.

"Nice to meet you!" He looked around quickly and quizzingly, his mannerisms depicted that of a field rat and his speech was squeeky and fast but clear. "Where's the gold you little darlings!" He stood rubbing his hands looking at the bag Toby was carrying

Toby eagerly opened his satchel. "It's all there Hermey, all of it!" He stood there nervously smiling at the elf, hoping it would be enough.

Hermey looked up at Toby. His expression was blank. Lucy and Toby looked at each other.

Lucy cleared her throat nervously." Well...Is this enough?"

"Is it enough? Is it enough?" He looked at the straw gold and looked back up. "Its bloomin' marvellous!" He giggled loudly as he danced on the spot.

"For you.... my little ray of sunshine's.....i'm going to give you the gold experience."

They both looked at each other and grinned from ear to ear, all Lucy's apprehensive had disappeared.

"Follow me, me lovelies!" He skipped through the wood's and the twins followed him, oblivious to any danger that lay ahead.

Soon enough they came to a huge gate that toward over them, making them look like little ants from the sky. Suddenly they heard the most hurrendous thundering noise.

The twins huddled together. "What is that?" They screamed terrifyingly as they saw a giant come towards them.

"Don't worry my dears. That's Borris. Just a simpleton who looks after the enclosure. Look..." He giggled as he ran up to Borris and kicked his big Toe.

Borris looks down at Hermey and flicks him out of the way.

"Good morning, Sir...Madam. I'm Borris. Lovely to meet you're acquaintance!"

Toby stood staring with his mouth wide open. Lucy nudged him before acknowledging the gentle Giant.

She curtseyed before him. "Nice to meet you Borris. I'm Lucy this is my brother Toby!"

Toby was still standing with his mouth open.

"A pleasure, i'm sure. Are you both ready to begin your journey?"

They looked at each other and held hands tightly. "Yes, yes we are ready!"

"Good... now follow me."

To be continued.......

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