Fiction: Story or whatever you wish to call it... about me, and ... unfortunately... you

Do I need an introduction to the end of the World, as we know it…?
Saturday /Sunday I received a signal, an alarm call, and set of instructions. I followed it at the place and collected an item. A Dead Vessel. It is just called like that, it doesn’t do any dead things…
This item will became merger or it will mark a merger, or whatever… yadda yadda yadda … between Spooks and his … true self.
Those are some big words. Let’s clarify.
It is true that we, the “creatures” ( meaning me and Spooks) come in pairs and it is true none is master of another. Too bad.
It is also true - like I said and repeated - that I am NOT his host. And it is true that his host is “dead”… well, kind of. Not really.
Who is his host? - He himself.
Explanation? Very simple.
We are both the same, but me as a feminine principle can BECOME whenever and however I want. And then I develop further through my own misdeeds and blessings from above.
But my male counterpart can’t do that. Why?
He is TOO BIG to traverse the border in one piece.
So he does it in two separate parts and even then he needs the assistance.
This is very similar to those mythical stories where demigods, or demons, or demiurges arrive, - a body and recollection arrive the first, then AFTER, the rest of the entity.
Interesting, isn’t it? And it is also true.
Both of us are demi-something - I don’t feel really divine right now to be honest - we are locked here, in this place, and it is upon our own judgement how we will behave, misbehave or refuse to behave. It doesn’t change what we are, we can’t be annulled, cursed or banished.
I have more than a reason to wish this to go away, Spooks to die, or reality to crack somehow, and even Judge wishes to destroy this entity.
Let’s say we maybe done some nasty things that looked very reasonable at the time. And yes, he was so much better at doing all that bullshit and getting more press for that than I did.
For some reason I ended up what I am now, and he ended up where he is. Everything has own cause. You will see it for yourself.
Now, I myself have a very unpronounceable name, but his name is an absolute black magic, and I am not saying it for nothing.
It goes like this, the mortals either forget that name under a minute or they additionally die under mysterious circumstances by mentioning it too often. Why it is so?
Well, my male counterpart is sort of an idea for himself.
When this grand event is going to happen?
The first day of new moon cycle in only few days, or as soon as possible…. that second part of him is going to pass, whether I help or not, and that part will merge with the original sentient part in this reality.
What will happen?
Do you really need to ask?
I have too much energy, but the one I will deploy is causing me headaches! So, that’s how much.
If it is even survivable Spooks might wanted to exercise his abilities in less favorable way. But, at least I won’t be a monster who is to blame for every single itch. He can monster-it on his own.
I mean he has some ideas how to FIX things!! That got us in this mess in the first place. My own bullshit is NOTHING compared! And yes, it is true, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
And it really looks like the end of the days has come out there in the world, if you take a good look, things are going to hell.
I want just to stress something.
Neither of us two are saints. It is easy to say nobody is, but HOW would you define a person who can walk through the walls and do stuff without any censorship or filter? At least not a censorship from this, human world.
We can’t be destroyed by any weapon forged by med and only a God is our un-doer. Once again, you will say, that works for everyone. Well, ok. As always, you are correct. We are all immortal, we are all judged the same way.
Do you really think that we believed that we are doing a WRONG THING!?
We believed we are straight as an arrow and that we are saving the world! We were super heroes!!
And then he pronounced himself a God and caused a flood of epic Biblical proportions, because that nucleon weapon wasn’t enough to be, he had to test how plates are vibin’ with it…
I needed a whole eon to crawl under a rock, and another eon to become into something more than a worm in order to wash all the shame. And it was not even my fault that he wanted to be in fashion.
The other pair of sleeves was that all that enormous amounts of cool included some things that were not so nice after all so the one who runs a show, messed our marbles a bit.
Ok, besides he gets to be THAT, what else happens?
Our troubles also should stop and we should sync better, unless he wants to flood everything and murder everyone… I predict very slim chances for genocide, but accidents happen… and he has a few people on his shit list.
Also that “personality” of his has a name. I said I will write it somewhere. This place is as good as any other. His real name is Nascardian, and don’t bother to memorize it. Nobody can. In fact it is better if you don’t pressure yourself to memorize it, because his name is an actual curse. He made it that way himself.
Whatever mortal repeats that name a few times and enough to vaguely memorize it, gets possesses and becomes his drone. Good luck with interpreting what fuck not that even means, but you get a pretty idea.
Vengeful and nasty? No shit Sherlock!! Ok, maybe you would prefer to cal it - overprotective.
Did we do this before? Yes.
Will we do that in future? Yes.
In the year 3856. it repeats.
So, at the first day of next new moon, or sooner, this guy is either be himself but upgraded, have a stroke, be just crazier, or not be at all. Depending on what? Well, I don’t know - sheer luck?
Why it is happening now?
I don’t know. Why grass grows? Why rain falls? It is a natural order of things. It happens cyclically, unless his first part dies… Then it is postponed. But it never stops. We are what we are.

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