A VAMPIRE ELOIM STORY. The Demon, The Witch and a Teenage Vampire The vampire Eloim book 3 part 11.


“What have you done to me?” Oliver said, unable to make his limbs work.
“Just a simple spell, it removes your ability to control your body,” Lynne said with a smile as she returned her attention to the book.
“Well that explains why I’ve just peed on your carpet then, not had an accident like that since I was a pup,” Oliver said in embarrassment.
Lynne froze, her wrist held over a golden bowl, a small knife held inches away from making the blood sacrifice that was needed in order to complete the spell. She paused as Oliver’s words sank in and the horror of her house being defiled began to engulf her. With a scream of rage, she half turned on Oliver, her fury plain to see. Oliver felt the control of his body return and began to change form as he sprang towards Lynne, his fingers already growing claws. Lynne’s vampire reactions saved her as she moved out of the way, placing one foot into the pentagram. Oliver landed lightly and spun around, his face elongating and a snarl escaping his throat as Lynne crouched down with her own fangs prominent and she hissed at the young werewolf. The lines of the pentagram burst into flame and Lynne looked down to see blood dripping from a cut on her arm where Oliver had caught her a glancing blow with his razor sharp claws.
“No! The spell is not complete!” She cried in sudden terror, her blood flow increasing as it was sucked from her body to feed the circle. Lynne’s scream was suddenly cut off as she disappeared in a flash of light.
Oliver reversed his change and stood up, looking at the empty pentagram. Eloim and his coffin were also gone.
“Oh bugger,” Oliver cursed. “This is so not good.”
He walked out of the room trying not to panic; he needed to work out what to do. Sitting on the top stair, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly made a call. He got directed to voice mail.
“Karla, things have gone really wrong here. Your friend Lynne has kind of given Eloim to the demons and I think I accidently killed her. Not positive on that one but she looked to be losing a lot of blood when she disappeared. Give us a ring when you get this.”

Eloim woke with a start. He lay still, waiting for the feeling of disorientation to pass. Outside his coffin he heard a strange wailing noise. Opening the coffin lid, he looked around but closed the lid in confusion. After a moment to collect his thoughts, he opened the coffin lid a fraction and peered out again. The landscape around him was a blackened desert with an angry red sky. Opening the lid again, he carefully climbed out of his coffin.
“Hello? Lynne, are you there?” he shouted as he turned around, taking in the sight before him. “Something has gone wrong with your room, it wasn’t me, honest.”
Eloim reached into the coffin and pulled out the slippers Lynne had given him for wearing in the house. With a disgusted shake of his head he placed them on his feet. Kicking the ground, he sent up a small cloud of dust and he shoved his hands into his pockets and absently pulled out the ring he had picked up earlier in Lynne’s study. He placed it on his finger and inspected it before again looking around. This time he noticed a body laying half buried in the soil. As he approached the body, he recognised the clothing that Lynne had been wearing the last time he had seen her and he bent down to turn her over. He recoiled in shock as he looked down on the mummified face of the vampire witch. The expression of terror on her sunken features made him shudder. Her body had been drained of all blood and left a dried out shell.

To be continued.

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