Food Fight Friday : Stinky Love


chicken curry and stinky love ..I mean stinky bean with chili sauce

Saleum eSteemians ๐Ÿ‘

It's friday and it's time to join the best kitchen on Steemit by @foodfightfriday

Cici is back to her kitchen and I take advantage of her as usual๐Ÿ˜‚ because she's not really want to post her common experiment.

Stinky Bean is everywhere this week, we don't even have to buy it because we can have it for free. The price will be pricey only in a month of Eid Celebration and out of season.


fried stinky bean with green chili sauce in Love

We have the stinky bean since monday till friday, now ๐Ÿ˜‰ fried with the anchovies in chili paste is my wife favourite's but grilled and fried stinky bean dipped in various sauces that include the shrimp paste in it always my favourite. If cici was not preventing me to eat the raw one, I like it raw and fresh too๐Ÿ˜‚

My Father couldn't eat the stinky bean because he's toothless now, so cici cooks for him the chicken curry or chicken soup. He only eats chicken meat and Tofu with any soft veggies.


no veggies today, but a glass of carrot juice is enough for him

If you think that love is always has a sweet and nice fragrance, for us.. we can find love in stinky bean too.
How to get rid off the stinky smell from our mouth or toilet? Cici drinks a spoonfull soy ketchup and I ate mint candy before we sleep and flush the toilets with gallons of water๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

If you ask an Indonesia who loves stinky bean, they will eat the stinky bean with sauces and hot rice till nothing left to eat๐Ÿ˜€. This menu is something that we call as "killer food", imagine if you eat this on a hut in the middle of rice field at lunch, with the breeze.. you'll know what Food Comma means!

Some people believe that boiled stinky bean water is good to cure the gout, but we don't have gout๐Ÿ˜† so the stinky bean is enough. We add stinky bean in fried rice and the price is quite high at the food court.

Well.. I think I have eaten the last stinky bean on the table today and let's see who will send us more stinky beans next week๐Ÿ˜‚

Have a nice weekend everyone and don't be afraid to enjoy your wonderful life with your love one, even if it's stinky๐Ÿ›

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