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Mexican Coca-Cola and its "special" touch

When we say that the Mexican Coca-Cola has a different and special flavor , our followers of this country will know without a doubt what we mean.

All Mexicans residing in the United States will know their existence very well, in fact, avant-garde restaurants such as the "Nomofuku Noodle" in New York , usually serve their bottles at a price of $ 5. Something expensive, no doubt, but he responsible for this local defended on twitter in the following way: Mexican Coca-Cola = difficult to obtain in NYC + costs $.

Clear and concise. Now, but why is it that Coca-Cola made in Mexico is different and more appreciated by many consumers ? We explain it to you below.

Why is Mexican Coca-Cola so successful in the United States?
The most critical voices often say that consuming Coca-Cola from Mexico is a way of reclaiming their culture, and if many Hispanics are inclined to choose it instead of the one that is manufactured and bottled in North American territory, it is more than nothing to nostalgia.

However, it is not about this. The Coca-Cola of Mexico or the "MexiCoke" is made with sugar cane , while the United States, is made with corn syrup. They are two sweeteners, and as such, you should not notice the difference, but there is, or at least so many consumers indicate.

The Atlanta-based company says that the taste does not change, that nothing is different in the final product, but there is a whole social movement that extols the MexiCoke because when you drink it, you notice a "more natural" feeling.
Now, you may wonder why some of them are currently producing the most famous soft drink in the world, with different sweeteners. Well, to understand the origin we must take the time machine and go until the 80's. It was at this time when the US began to grant many subsidies to corn producers, making their derivatives more economical, especially "the corn syrup. " With this, the flavor was further enhanced and costs reduced.

We must also take into account the competition that has always existed in the matter of sugar between Mexico and the United States, and if something was clear the first is that it was not going to allow the country to enter the country with syrup or corn syrup, arriving from North American territory to Make Coca-Cola. Mexico had its own sugar, and it was best to make the famous soda with cane sugar and not syrup. Thus, at the end of the 1990s an attempt was made to apply an additional tax to the entry of corn syrup, but the WTO, the world trade organization, vetoed this attempt, this rate on the American product.

Until 2005, the drink was obtained through imports of intermediaries. However, the qualitative leap occurred at the end of that year, when Arca Continental, the Coca-Cola bottler in Mexico, finally decided to export it to distributors north of the border . Why not? The success would not be long in coming, in fact, it is known that its growth is unstoppable.
To this we must add one more element: The soft drink is marketed in classic glass bottles , something that today is not so common, since we are used to drinking coca cola in cans. For many, what they try to exploit like this is "nostalgia" in the majority of Hispanics residing on American soil. For others, it is only a reaction to the system through the most well-known brand, however, the only thing that seems to be clear is the following:

The MexiCoke has a higher price and is sold, consumers appreciate it and its success grows. Is it then that natural flavor of cane sugar?

Do not hesitate to leave us your opinions , to tell us if you have tried it and if you really, you can tell the difference.

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