Fat is not the enemy - Fat Is Healthy

Fat Is Not The Enemy

Neither is carbs or protein - the real enemy is misinformation!

Every couple of years someone with authority can make a pretty bold statement that becomes gospel in the eyes of their followers. Susan Powter started a massive anti-fat hysteria with her whole "fat is bad" routine.

How unfortunate that it actually helped propel health problems in some individuals and even lead to further weight gain.

People en masse left fat and fell into the arms of high sugar, processed carbs as they avoided fat, but ate their weight in carbohydrates. The misinformed begat the low-fat food industry - They got what they deserved, well, kind of.

Fat Is Not Your Enemy - Over Eating Is!

Not one person on the planet without a glandular disease can get fat by eating fat. In fact, if you eat nothing but fat all day long, you would probably lose weight, the real problem is overeating.

Too many people eat too much and then get fat, it's a simple formula, but mark my words, most of those calories do NOT come from fat. It's mostly carbs and a lot of protein for the meat-eaters among us.

After all, just how much fat can you eat. Fat is usually the flavor while the other macro-nutrients are the mainstay of the meal. Nobody eats a bottle of cream or a cup of oil.

Fat is not the enemy - Laziness is!

Sit on the couch = Gain weight.

Move that body = Lose weight.

Where do some people think their body fat comes from? Mars?

Inactivity leads to a slow metabolism, but did you know that healthy omega 3 fats can actually speed your metabolism up and help you to burn body fat stores? Well, the competitive bodybuilders know this and these guys don't let anything pass their lips that could make them fat, but they all take regular servings of flaxseed oil to keep the fat burning at full peak.

The fat you have doesn't come from the fat you eat, it's just way more scientific than that, unfortunately too many so-called "gurus" have made too much money from espousing their own pseudoscience.

As long as you stay away from the worst kind of fats PUFAs and Transfats, you'll enjoy delicious tasting fats and keep your hormones regulated well.

In Conclusion - Fat is not the enemy - Fat Is Healthy


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