How to turn fat into muscles? Weight loss science

The belief in the fairy tale never dies, but kind of we didn't want, it isn't possible to turn fat into muscles. But also muscles don't turn into fat too. A horror story, on a subject – you will stop training, you will become fat, it isn't well-founded. Fat and muscles represent two various types of fabrics, and one can't become the second, even at huge desire.   

Professor of New York University, Brad Schoenfeld PhD, speaks about it so: nobody can make apple of orange, but start process of a losing weight, gaining at the same time muscle bulk, everyone can. And, as the scientist notes, the researches conducted by him demonstrate that most effectively such process takes place at the beginners who have recently come to gym.   

The first with what it is necessary to begin, so it with decrease in fatty body weight. To make it, proceeding from elementary physics, it is possible only when we spend calories more, than we consume. Fat is an energy which our body reserves for emergency, against the background of the excess caloric content of a habitual food allowance.  

 And as tells the second law of thermodynamics, energy from where doesn't undertake and doesn't disappear anywhere. She just changes a form, acting or as fat on a body, or as a power source. To force a body to spend the saved-up fatty stocks, it is necessary to create steady and constant surplus of calories.   

Results of researches of professor which he has published in the Live Science magazine, say that it is possible to start the first stage of a process of a losing weight if to reduce diet caloric content by only 200 calories a day. To reduce amount of sweet is the easiest way to begin to grow thin. But if completely it is impossible to refuse cakes and cakes at once, it is necessary to impose temporary restrictions on their eating and to consume them only in the first half of day, it is desirable in the morning.   

Conclusion: reduction of a habitual diet and his deduction at such level within 7-10 days is guaranteed starts weight loss process.   But against the background of decrease in a power component of a diet, it is necessary to increase in parallel amount of protein in the habitual power supply circuit. The best fat burner, who is always with us is our muscles. The their at us is more, the we will burn more calories, even being at rest.

Power trainings in which muscles resist loading are the best way of creation of muscle bulk and at the same time, an excellent way of an additional expense of calories. But that muscles grew at him material is necessary for growth – squirrels.   For the professional athlete strenuously working for muscle mass, norm is figure 4-5 gr. a protein on kilogram of weight. And for the ordinary person who isn't seeking to conquer bodybuilding peaks, 2-2,5 gr. – it is absolutely adequate norm of consumption of protein sufficient for growth of muscles.  

 Conclusion: against the background of decrease in a carbohydrate component, the amount of protein in a diet has to increase.   We train in gym, we eat properly, muscles grow – fat burns down. Here and not the so magic formula of transformation of fat into muscles works.  

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