Venting........... / 6 - 18 - 18

First, I shall begin with a "story".... Then? The ranting will commence........

Once upon a time, during a serious heat wave, a well known fast "food" establishment withOUT air conditioning for its employees decided to disregard the simple request of a parent of one of those employees. The parent texted the store manager of that location, & politely inquired whether or not any steps had been taken to resolve this issue. As I said, the store manager entirely disregarded this request. Gave absolutely NO response whatsoever....... P. S. That store manager is a COWARD. Moving on with the "story" now.

At that point, said parent thought about what the next step needed to be, so.... At first, this parent pulled up the site for The Health Dept.. {VERY non-cooperative site, by the way......} But eventually ended up deciding that the "next step" should probably be to contact the corporate office for that location. So that's what the parent did..... That parent was CERTAIN to also mention that nobody EVER answers the phone at that location, & also informed corporate that they had already texted the store manager about the issue, but that as usual - their text was ignored. {Note: This is the SECOND time that this parent has had to text this store manager, of which was ALSO brazenly ignored. Texting the store manager is NOT something that this parent just does willy nilly, & with no actual importance.}

If you, the reader, paid close attention to the first paragraph of the story, then you noticed that I said "withOUT air conditioning for its employees". There's a reason I said it that way. You see, the lobby itSELF is easy, breezy, cool, & sleazy..... Did ya catch that? The LOBBY, where the customers sit, is NOT the problem...... Oh no........ It's the area from behind the counter alllllllll the way back through the grill....... All 7 employees, of which the store manager was one of those 7, were beet red faced, dripping sweat, sluggish, & my Son, I said, MY SON was struggling to BREATHE, & he was having HEART PALPATATIONS! WHEN my Son stated how much pain his chest was in, one of the other employees, a so-called manager you understand, told him, "well, it sounds like you pulled a muscle"........ A muscle........... Rrrrrrrrrrright........

So right now, I'm seething........ I'm trying real hard to collect myself, & to use my words, & for those to not be profane words, but........... I'm fixing to blow here! But before I do, 'cause it's coming, I FEEL it, I say, BEFORE I do - let me just state what SHOULD have taken place in this situation.

The air conditioning stops working.
At that point, the store manager should have IMMEDIATELY requested permission to have someone sent to repair it.
IF a repair was not able to be made today, then at THAT point, the store manager should have contacted HIS superiors, explained the situation to them, & let them know that the store HAD to be closed for INHUMANE working conditions UNTIL the air conditioning was repaired.

How hard is that? Seriously! HOW.... HARD.... IS... THAT? It's NOT! Will his superiors get a little "pissy"? Probably, & SO THE FUCK WHAT IF, & WHEN they do! There are 7 lives that don't have any health insurance because the company doesn't offer it to their employees, & we are talking about DEATHLY temperatures. People DIE in this kind of heat. Imagine working with HOT OBJECTS that put off MORE "hot" with each passing second they are ON....... We're talking about a fast food joint, folks. Those hot objects STAY on......... So, let me ask YOU a couple questions....... Would you rather deal with pissy superiors because you're doing the RIGHT thing, & trying to take care of your employees? OR...... Would you rather deal with HEART BROKEN PARENTS because of what happened to their kid at WORK because YOU were too much of a PUSSY to take care of your people like you're SUPPOSED to? Which scenario is the LEAST terrifying to you? Seriously!

As to those "pissy superiors"? Let me tell ya something. Read closely. If anything, I mean ANYthing happens to MY SON at his job because of the company's BLATANT NEGLIGENCE? Well, let's just say, MAMA GONNA HANDLE IT, FUCKERS! EVERYBODY gonna know what you did, who you are, & WHERE you are. Ya feel me? DO YA???? Filing a report with The Health Department will be the LEAST of your concerns, I ASSURE you. I've had to "teach" a corporation not to fuck with ME, & I will DAMN SURE "teach" YOU the same fucking lesson regarding MY Son!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't even fucking BLINK!

That's it. I'm gonna shut up now. For now..........

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