Cayenne flower for what is it? You knew that you can plant it yourself!


To sembar you will need the following:

Manure, chopped crust or compost
Balancing, general-purpose fertilizer
Branch of a tree or bamboo stake
Commercial slug bait
Clipper or garden scissors

Plant cayenas in well drained soils improving by converting 2 to 4 inches of manure, cut bark or compost. The cayenas thrive in full sunlight; however, the shade of the afternoon is beneficial in warm climates. Water immediately after planting, and keep the soil evenly moist until new growth appears. Thereafter, it provides approximately 1 inch of water per week without rain. A deep watering per week is the best, since the deep irrigation produces long and healthy roots. Let the soil dry between each watering, as soggy soil can cause problems such as stem rot.

Mix a balanced fertilizer for general use on the ground in spring and repeat it in mid-summer. Provides support such as a tree branch or a bamboo stake for high cayenne varieties. Install the stand while the plants are small, as trying to stake mature plants can damage the roots. Apply a commercial pill or bait for liquid slugs if perennial geraniums are infested with slugs. Eliminate the hiding places of the slugs by removing dead leaves and other plant remains. Prune the cayenas vigorously after the first bud of flowering, reducing the height of the plant between a quarter and half the height. Pruning results in a healthy plant and a new flower bud. Cut the plants up to 4 inches in the late fall. Apply 3 to 4 inches of mulch to moderate soil moisture and protect the plant from low temperatures during the winter months.


To take care of the outdoor cayenas you must follow these recommendations:

You should be aware that the cayenne blooms in late spring. It continues to bloom until frost. It grows best in full sun and on a rich and well-drained soil. Apply a liquid vegetable food after new growth appears. Repeat the application every two or three weeks during the growing season. The cayenas planted in a rich garden soil do not need vegetable food.

Water regularly, but not over water. Soaked soil due to poor drainage can kill the geranium. Pinch the tips of the stem in new cayenas if you want a thick appearance. Pruning the flowers faded regularly to stimulate the repetition of flowering. Clean the flower bed to reduce the chances of pests and diseases.

Watch for pests, including aphids, white flies, mites and geranium worms. Be alert to rust. Remove the diseased parts or, if necessary, whole plants to prevent the spread of the disease, and treat the cayenne with a fungicide. Good cultivation practices, such as spacing 6 inches apart and avoiding wet foliage when irrigated, reduce the possibility of disease.

Now we have learned together to plant cayenas, a very beautiful silver, that adorns the gardens and that additionally contains benefits and properties.


The cayenne boiled in water, letting it rest for 15 minutes and we go to a bath with this liquid we will achieve that our body relaxes and helps as a muscle relaxant, and this infucion helps to fight insomnia


the cayenne also brings high benefits to obtain a shiny and healthy hair, in fact many shampoos here in my country continue the properties of that flower.


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