When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade to Share - Day 4 Travel Blog

Day 4


Horses, there is 7 here at the farm, they have a good amount of room to roam, graze, and play as this beauty is doing in the back. The best is when you catch them galloping, such power and grace all in one incredible animal. They have a good life here and are loved, @cerise poolman has shared lots of blogs on her experience with horses that are quite informative. Check out her channel if interested. Great relaxed day, and i got a run in.

Today was another relaxed day here on the desteni farm, I woke up to an opportunity to come sit in on interviews from the portal who is @sunettespies here at the farm, which I surely agreed to. The interviews are quite extraordinary and to be sitting in on them live was quite a cool experience. It was more interactive with a group of us here on the farm able to ask questions and give suggestions for interview content and topics. There was some follow up interviews lined up with amazing and timely support coming through on self beliefs and self judgment. Also, I found it cool to cross-reference myself in terms of where i was within myself and what i had in fact walked for myself as the interview was being spoken real time. I mean it is something that I am truly grateful for to have such a gift not only with all the beings coming through the portal and giving such existential yet practical support, but also the fellow destonians walking with, sharing themselves, and standing in such unique yet incredibly strong and resolved ways as examples, it is quite amazing to be a part of and walk with.

This is all for the process of self creation through self purification within into the without with self forgiveness and self correction, that which all who walk dip know and apply, and this is to bring a world that is best for all life and no more allow the abuse that is going on here currently as it is stopped within self. A point that came through one of the interviews today that resonated with me was that we should more focus on the solution rather then the problem, yes one has to understand and so self forgive the problem that is faced, but realize that more so the solution should be defined, specified, and lived in ones real time application. The greatness about eqafe and the support coming through is in each interview they give specific practical support and solutions that can be applied by anyone listening, so there is no excuse for such problems to continue as the support is here for all to hear.

Also, another cool and interesting point is that the solution is being walked and lived by many already and the more that walk as the solution as their living, the more this resonants out into the global world and change starts and in many ways is currently is resonating slowly, but surely. So realize change is indeed possible yet it starts with self always based on the common sense of if one is not able to live the solution within self, then how can one expect the world to change within this regard, the principle of as within so without applies here quite starkly. Also to remember that even in the small insignificant moments of change that you walk for yourself, this change on some level is having an impact within yourself and thus equally within this physical world as we all are interconnected and one within that as life. So point being that change accumulates and is done not in any sort of comparison within a group or person or place or activity, but within self honesty and always supporting what is best for all. This is my mission and goal as they say, and though it is a challenge at times, the moments of self change through the tools shared are quite rewarding as they are done for real and for what is best.

I also had a nice chat with LJ as he was nice enough to give me a ride back to the airport to pick up my suitcase. Kudos on the travel industry for making that quite nice and easy, which was not expected. So I am getting quite settled in here and looking forward to working more on the physical projects going on around the farm this coming week, so stay tuned, much more to come!

Thanks for reading.

Interviews mentioned will be out this week or so.

Here is one mentioned out today:
Back to Basics - Debunking Self Beliefs

Source: http://forum.desteni.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=8309

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