Updated Garden Pics!

The pictures I used in my introduction were taken a few weeks back and since then everything has really taken off!


Here we have our corn in the back row, sunflowers inbetween, nasturtium, and chamomile. Watermelon patch to the left and pumpkin patch to the right.


We have a Jaboticaba tree to the right, hops are climbing and budding like crazy right now. We have golden nugget, chinook, cascade, and willamette doing very well at the moment.


Our peppers are doing great, just starting to fruit. Eggplant is surviving along with the zucchini and squash we just transfered. The oregano is filling the bed in nicely. Tomatoes are in the other bed and they're fruiting great, but the leaves are curling like mad, even though we water regularly. Starting to think it is a viral issue. Any comments or advice are appreciated!

Thanks for checking in, make sure to say hi! :)

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