The Saga of the Dark Prince ~ Loyalties

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(Novel Excerpt)

The beautiful Countess threw herself at the Dark Prince's feet
“Forgive me, my Master, for I have been very foolish!”
The Dark Prince’s deep voice rumbled, “Leave us now!”
Glowering at every other vampire present, one by one they all vanish

Backing their way out of the enraged Prince’s chambers
The bevy of beauties bowed their heads in frightful fear
The Countess clung to his arm but he cast her aside in disdain
She stared at him pleadingly shedding a tear

"My evil sweet, you would dare to risk my darkest wrath?
While the others come from royal lineage, nobility and wealth
My desire for you is unending that I have made you my Queen
Once a scullery maid and yet I hold you above all else!"

She cried out to him begging and pleading for forgiveness
Declaring again and again she belongs to none other but him alone
However, in his obstinacy, he growls at her to be gone from his sight
She dramatically transforms into a large black cat and leaps out of a window


From a lonely dark terrace, she had stolen his heart and soul
His love for the beautiful Countess he would risk all of death's gallows
Just outside the Dark Prince's chambers, he hears her suffer his wrath
The vampire listened raptly while hiding in the dark shadows

Copyright @ 2019 mojoberry. All rights reserved.

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