Warning: If You Have Signed A Refusal To Vaccinate Form Please Read!


As some of you know we are expecting our 5th child this coming June. This is usually around the time I check to make sure we have all of our forms updated (birthing plan, refusal of certain meds etc.). After giving some advice to @kryptocoin’s friend George, I started to dig and didn’t like what I found.

I suggested to him to make sure he had filled out a vaccination exemption form so he wouldn’t be harassed any more. He verified he already has one signed and documented. After that conversation I realized we never signed one to have on file, we have only verbally refused them for each of our children. One of the reasons being we are comfortable with our doctor and he doesn’t pressure us to vaccinate. The same goes for our midwives who encourage Natural ways to give birth.

To be on the safe side I decided to pull up the form online to print it out and sign it. I always feel you can never be too prepared or too safe. The website I pulled it from had an article titled ’12 Reasons To NOT Sign The Refusal To Vaccinate Form’. Of course that totally got my attention and here’s why...

If you as a parent sign this form, it could be used against you to remove your children from your custody. Signing this form is a “confession” that you are intentionally neglecting or causing harm to your children.



The Form

The article breaks down each number on the form and explains why it’s a big setup to be used against parents. I’ll go through a few in this post.

#2 - The scientific term for HPV has been listed to discourage parents from making the connection of this dangerous vaccine.

#4 - This is just straight up propaganda. They want you to sign that you have read about each vaccine and “All” of their possible side effects. The website they give does not include all of the factual information about these vaccines. There was a paper published by a doctor and an investigative medical researcher that exposed the true hazards of vaccines. You can read more about that paper here.

#7 - It’s funny how we as parents are falsely told the dangers of not vaccinating and the illnesses and dangers it could cause but we are never told the truth about the injuries and the illnesses these vaccines have caused.

#10 - It is asking you to agree with everything the document is saying. You are confessing that declining these vaccines puts your child at risk and endangers their health and life as well as the lives of others they come in contact with. You are signing that you know these things and pretty much don’t care because you are refusing them.

You are also permitting any health care professional to keep your child in isolation (removed from your care) due to exposure of undefined communicable diseases with evaluations and testing.

As you can see this form is very deceptive and sets parents up for a possible bad situation in having their children legally taken by the CPS. They could use this form as an “admission” against the signing parent. You would be signing that you believe everything to be true on this form but yet you are still refusing them. You will look like a negligent parent that doesn’t care for the well being of your child. This is something every parent needs to avoid.


What To Do If You Have Signed It

Don’t fret, if you have already signed this particular form there are ways to fix it. I read some good advice from this article...

• Start by asking your doctor to return the signed form back to you. You can give him a very brief explanation that you have given further thought on the situation and have decided having the form in your child’s file is not of his/her best interests.

• If the doctor does not comply you will have to write a certified letter rescinding your signature to nullify the form. The article includes a sample letter for you to view.


Creating Your Own Refusal Form

In my opinion this is the best option. You are writing up a refusal to vaccinate in your own words and stating upfront your reasons for doing so whether religious or philosophical. You will not be setting yourself up to look like a negligent parent or giving consent for your child to be removed from your care under any circumstances. Below is a sample to give you some ideas of what to include on there.




I hope that I was able to bring some awareness to you about the risk of signing that form and the position it puts you in. If you have done your due diligence and research and have come to the conclusion that vaccinations are not what’s best for your child, you shouldn’t be tricked into signing a form that basically states the opposite. It’s like an oxymoron. Please be careful and vigilant of the forms you sign.

Thank you for your attention to this~

Photo Source: Pixabay

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