An Oak Island Adventure!!! An Ode to Mothers, Green Dragons, Curses, Blessings, Life, Death and Waking Up


A lesson into the Cartesian coordinate system. Finding the location of an object at a point in space requires 3 coordinates: x, y and z. You can't locate sh*t with just one of those letters (unless you use your nose).

The location narrows considerably if you can get 2 of the 3 and if you want to find the third, the prize, the elusive "eureka" moment, you must broaden your perspective to include an additional dimension. Time is the mysterious and cleverly dodging fourth component of the puzzle, required for a deeper understanding of the true nature of the whole of 5. Your hand, believe it or not, already knows this.

And remember, like my Daddy always said, any more than a handful is too much. (OK, he said mouthful, but whatever...) Seek and ye shall find eh Dad? It appears you were onto something there. Thank you. 💝

May these photos be of use in the search for whatever treasure it is you seek. And may all the blessings of the world be bestowed upon Oak Island. Curses continue until you flip that coin over and dare yourself to stare directly into the underbelly of the beast. You might die. Sure. But at least you already know that's the worst that can happen. Crack that curse and the coin starts to turn over all by itself. Stones do too, with a little help from Mother Earth, she just needs a little more time. And that's OK too.

If you choose to take the time to read the story spun through the chronology of the pictures, thank you. There is a deeper story woven in and you'll be better prepared to read it when you find it. Assuming you find it, that is. Just because I'm the only one that knows where it is doesn't mean someone else hasn't found it already or that it can't be found. The internet taught me that! And my Mother. 😉😘

Here's the location of Oak Island:

oak island.PNG

I shared the pictures of the visit on Facebook. If you're a fan of Oak Island, please feel free to check them out.

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