My parents and I are traveling to Pennsylvania to visit my brother and to celebrate is college graduation


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My first road trip in many months

I’ve been spending most of my time staying close to home so far in 2023. I stay busy with the gym, work, and just generally enjoy my life. It doesn’t take much to please me, I’m a pretty simple guy.

One thing that can get me to feel like traveling is family. When your only brother moves 6 hours away and you rarely get to see him, you never pass on a chance to go visit.

At the beginning of this year, my parents and I drove up there and helped my brother Chez move into his new house with his fiancé and two dogs. It was a tiresome weekend and we really didn’t get to enjoy our time together to the fullest because we were always tired from overworking.

Now that they’ve been in their new house for about 5 months, it finally seems like a good time to go up and visit again. And there is also the fact that my brother is about to graduate college from Millersville University. He will be the first person in our family to graduate college and we are all very proud of him.

When you watch somebody get to their absolute lowest, all you can do is hope that they recover and find a way to live life in a good way again one day. Thankfully my little bro has done that and then some.

Chez decided to study accounting and seems to be pretty passionate about it now. He has worked an internship at a place nearby to his new house and will soon be working full time I’m sure. I’m very happy about his success and I know he has too much to be psyched to be winning in life.

The drive up to Lancaster, PA is quite a long one, but once we get there the fun starts. We are planning on leaving today, May 5th, and shouldn’t be returning home until May 9th. That gives us almost a week to hang out together and catch up on life while making new memories.

I’m sure we will do a lot of cool stuff, such as going to the Amish Country and eating some local food. A lot of people think Lancaster is all Amish, but of course, that is not the case. There are plenty of them, even some horses and buggies still, but regular society far outnumbers the Amish.

I will be posting some photos of our time spent together, but I may not be able to get around to writing those posts until I’m back home. I will have my laptop with me, but I find it hard to believe I’ll want to spend a bunch of time working one of the few times we all get to be together.

In the meantime, I’ve got some really cool AI art self-portraits to share with you. So if you see my posting shorter posts for the next week, that is why. My longer-form content will be back soon though, don’t worry.


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