myths and facts !!

Welcome my dear Steemian friends to a new episode of Myth or Fact! A series in which we will show that some common beliefs are myths while others turn out to be true.
It's been a long time since the last Myth or Fact episode but here we are! Back with some new myths, we are about to bring some light into the dark.

Do you remember the last episode where we talked about bananas and found out they actually are berries and don't grow on trees? What if I tell you now that strawberries are no berries at all but nuts? Hold on for a second, at first I say bananas are berries and then strawberries are nuts?

Well Steemians what is your guess? Let's have a closer look!

Berries or nuts? Pseudo-Fruits

Fig.1 Different views on Strawberry Source

In order to understand the nature of strawberries, we need to look at their botanical definition. They are considered as aggregate accessory fruits while true berries are defined by a fleshy fruit which is produced from a single ovary. This sounds more complicated than it is. Take a look a the following image of a strawberry. The red fruit flesh which is around the seed doesn't come from an ovary but derived from the receptacle, the swollen part of the stem. Technically the seeds on the surface are nuts.

Fig.2 Close-up on a Strawberry Source

The same is also true for blackberries and raspberries. Both are botanically seen not berries but aggregate fruits. Although you now know that these kind of berries are nuts you might still not consider them as nuts. We tend to put things into categories because of certain similarities. Because strawberries share more in common with berries than nuts we still will call them berries after all. Weird isn't it?

Myth or Fact? #32 – Bananas grow on Trees
Myth or Fact? #31 – The great Wall of China can be seen from the Moon
Myth or Fact? #30 - Your tongue is mapped into different areas of taste
Myth or Fact? #29 - Chicken or Egg, what came first?
Myth or Fact? #28 - Can jellyfish kill people?
Myth or Fact? #27 - Drinking alcohol makes you warm
Myth or Fact? #26 - Lightning can strike from ground upwards
Myth or Fact? #25 - Bats are blind
Myth or Fact? #24 – Watermelon Seeds will grow inside your Stomach
Myth or Fact? #23 – Tea has Theine and Coffee has Caffeine
Myth or Fact? #22 - You have to wait an hour to swim after eating
Myth or Fact? #21 - Stretching before exercise is dangerous
Myth or Fact? #20 – A Penny dropped off the Empire State Building kills you
Myth or Fact? #19 – Cold weather makes you catch a cold
Myth or Fact? #18 – Hair and nails keep growing after death
Myth or Fact? #17 – Cockroaches can survive a nuclear catastrophe
Myth or Fact? #16 – Skin on heated milk is dangerous
Myth or Fact? #15 - Survive a falling elevator by jumping up as it hits the floor
Myth or Fact? #14 - Mosquitoes prefer people with sweet blood
Myth or Fact? #13 - Does Santa Claus exist? 🎅
Myth or Fact? #12 - Acid and Base saves Life
Myth or Fact? #11 – Glass is a liquid
Myth or Fact? #10 – During summer the Eiffel Tower is taller
Myth or Fact? #9 - Hot water freezes faster than cold water
Myth or Fact? #8 - Oxygen runs out in overfilled rooms
Myth or Fact? #7 – Does a mirror swap left and right?
Myth or Fact? #6 – Radioactive contaminated waste glows green
Myth or Fact? #5 – Does drinking distilled water kill you?
Myth or Fact? #4 - We only use 10% of our Brain
Myth or Fact? #3 - Is it colder during Winter because the Sun is further?
Myth or Fact? #2- The world's most famous equation: E=mc²
Myth or Fact? #1 - The Five Second Rule

Thanks for reading this episode of Myth or Fact! If you enjoyed it feel free to resteem and leave a comment! I would love to know what you think about todays episode!
Do you love photography? Then I hope you didn't miss the most recent MyPictureDay photography contest where. You can see it here MyPictureDay Challenge Round #9. The winner will be announced tomorrow!

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