What is the 'See First' feature and why it works for users, learn

Publish Date: tue, 20.feb.2018 imageSee First 'What is the feature? How it can be used and what are the benefits to users, know ...

(Tech Desk). The social media website keeps coming up with new updates to improve the experience of Facebook users. This is the reason why users like to share small moments related to their life on this. To bring the users closer to each other and to manage their account with their choice, came the feature of 'See First'. In this post we will try to know what is 'See First' feature? How can it be used and how do users benefit from it?
What is 'See First' feature?

Under this feature, the user selects a person / friend or a page. By doing so, the post of that page or friend starts appearing at the top of your news feed. For example - you need information from every single friend of each post and you do not want to miss any post. In such a situation, you can use this feature for that friend or any page of your choice. After this, you will see that friend or page related posts at the top of the news feed. With this, when you select to see the posts of a person or page first, they do not know that you have selected them.

Why did Facebook bring this feature

This was the goal of bringing this feature to the company that the users who want to read or see, they get the same. News feeds are an integral part of Facebook, which can not be ignored. News Feeds play an important role in using Facebook. In this case, the company brought this feature to give users control. It allows users to control what they have to follow.

How to use it

To Use First View from News Feed Preferences:

  • Click Prioritize

  • Select a person or page

To use See First from profile or page:

-If you are not following page or profile click on follow beside cover photo

Click on Follow up or Liked near the Croquet photo and select See First

What is the advantage of this feature to users

Updates brought by any app are brought to improve the user experience. This feature of Facebook will be the same. Users often get entangled by seeing all sorts of posts in news feeds. Sometimes you turn off Facebook if you do not see the post of your choice. See First feature works right here. In it you will be able to choose what will appear in your news feed.

Let us know that you can use the See first feature only up to 30 people or pages.

By Sidhu

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