Escape from lockdown

I just finished a 12.397km cycling that lasted about 0hh:49mm:58ss !


Well technically it is allowed according to government guidance that says we are allowed out once per day for exercise. This morning I did a workout with my girls using the daily video from fitness vlogger Joe Wicks. He is getting 850k viewers on his livestream. He does a fairly good 20 minute HIT routine.

I have been pottering around the house as I was told to stay home from work for a few days whilst they assessed the situation. They want me back in tomorrow, but there is potential to work from home if I can get one of their laptops. My other half was cycling to the stables to care for her horse this afternoon, so I tagged along and extended the ride a bit. This was mostly off-road along farm tracks. There were quite a few people out walking and cycling. With people not working and kids out of school they have time to get out. All seemed to be keeping a sensible distance from others, but there were friendly nods and greetings.

This is the longest ride I have done this year and I need to get my cycling legs built up. I may ride to the station when going to work to save a little time. The trains are quiet, so it is not a problem to take a bike on.

I hope everyone is healthy and able to get out at least some of the time. Being cooped up at home is frustrating, but it really will make a difference in slowing down the spread of this disease. Some will say it is not so serious, but hundreds of thousands of cases would overwhelm the health services and lead to many more deaths from those more vulnerable to it. We can tolerate a little inconvenience.

Well done to the guy in France who ran a marathon on his balcony.

Stay well!


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