Lunchtime run: Lucky with the weather

I just finished a 6.83km running that lasted about 0hh:41mm:1.0ss !


When I checked the weather this morning it was looking like it was going to be wet, but mild. By lunchtime it was actually looking nice with some blue skies. That made it much easier to get out there. I was doing the 30-20-10 intervals again. From the chart I may have been faster on some of the slower segments than on the faster ones, but I was mixing it up and sprinting as much as I was able. It certainly felt hard.

I did the usual loop up to the lakes where there were plenty of ducks, moorhens and geese. I have seen cormorants up there too at other times.

My podcast listening was The Guitar Podcast, Digital Planet and Linux Mint.

No queues at the changing rooms this time. I find I recover pretty quickly these days, but it can still be hard work walking up three floors of stairs to the office to have my lunch.

I may not get to parkrun this week as I am playing music on Friday night. Got another open mic next week too.

Run free!

The geeky guitarist and facilitator of the 10K Minnows Project.


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