EtherStocks Bag Holder Forgiveness and the Buy of the Day

@steven-patrick is offering up a Gen-0 CryptoKitty for his Day Trader Bag Steem Post Link

Bag Holder Forgiveness

One of the pitfalls of Hot-Potatoes is the last bag holder loses ETH. Some games solve this by offering a jackpot. The only problem with that is you have to build the jackpot with profits from the other players. At EtherStocks we want to give all the profit back to the players. I am currently trying to make relationships with other games to do giveaways for losing bag holders. In the meantime, anyone that gets caught with a bag on EtherStock's Day Trader Mini game will receive any Gen-1 CryptoKitty of their choice from MY Litter

What would you guys like to see as prizes for losing bag holders on EtherStock's Day Trader Mini game?

Buy of the Day

I think we have ironed out most of the issues on EtherStock's, we just launched a few days ago. So its time to get back to some of these featured stocks. I'm going to have to start it off with my favorite....Crypt2 Kitties! I will be buying .1 ETH of Crypt2 Kitties Stock on EtherStock's. Now that you know this, you can go there and buy before me and receive dividends from my purchase. Since everyone else knows now too, the fast you do it, the more buys you get dividends from.

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