brown sponge cake recipe


Brown brown rolls can be an alternative if you are tired of serving a spoon that's all. With a circular-made presentation like a rolade and filled with a sweet vla layer, the brown rolls appear gorgeous. To create a beautiful roll in brown rolled recipe required training and patience. If you do it in a hurry it is feared that the sponge will crack and the roll becomes messy. But you do not need to be discouraged and fail to try this recipe. With a step by step guide from our recipes, it is guaranteed you can successfully make chocolate rolls.
In order not to crack, the sponge should be rolled as soon as it comes out of the oven. Roll it together with the coating oil paper, and it's just opened after it's cold and ready to be smeared. In this way, the sponge will bend and will not break when it is applied and rolled back.



12 egg yolks
1 egg whites
100 g sugar
50 g wheat flour
10 g of cornstarch
25 g cocoa powder
125 g butter, shake
¼ tsp vanilla powder


175 ml of liquid milk
50 g sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch, dissolve it with a little water
1 egg yolks, shake off
1 tbsp rhum (if liked)
5 pieces of canned peaches (from 1 can), diced small


200 g of fresh raspberries
150 g sugar
100 ml of water

How to make

Prepare a 38x26x3 cm baking dish, match with bread paper, spread with margarine and sprinkle with a little flour. Preheat the oven at 180C and activate the top flame.


Beat eggs with sugar until thick and white. Mix the wheat flour and cornstarch, sift. Add the maize-grain and chocolate flour mixture gradually into the sugar-egg mixture, stirring evenly. Add the butter shake bit by bit, add the vanilla, mix well. Pour the dough into a baking sheet.
Insert the baking pan into the oven, bake for 15 minutes until done. Remove the baking pan from the oven. Remove the cake from the baking sheet in reversed way on a loaf of bread powdered with powdered sugar. Scroll carefully with the paper still attached, until printed scroll form. Allow to cool.


Boil milk with sugar over low heat to boil. Mix the corn and yolk solution, mix well. Take 50 ml of milk stew, put in a cornstarch solution, mix well. Pour back into the milk stew, stir and cook until the vla thickens. Add rhum (if likes) and peach pieces, mix well, lift and chill
Open the cake roll, apply vla on the surface of the cake, flatten. Roll the cake until solid, while throwing off the base paper. Wrap the cake again with new paper, allow a few moments for more solid rolls. After that, open the wrapping paper, cut into pieces, serve with sauce.


Add the raspberries and sugar to the pan, stirring until the raspberry is slightly crushed and the sugar dissolves. Cook until thickened, add water. Stir briefly until boiling, remove.

The key to making a flexible sponge lies in the use of egg yolks. Use a fresh yellow egg yellow and orange. Beat until really soft, just mix with other ingredients. If you practice these tips on your chocolate roll recipe, guaranteed success!

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