Long beans will grow well when planted in an area that has a temperature of 15-24 degrees Celsius and has a rainfall of about 600 to 1500 mm per year. For the minimum temperature limit is 10 degrees Celsius while the maximum temperature limit of 35 degrees Celsius.

Bila kondisi lahan tanam memiliki kandungan hara yang banyak maka akan membuat kacang panjang tumbuh subur, tapi produksi bijinya minim. Sedang untuk lahan tanam yang mempunyai unsur hara rendah, daun tanaman tidak begitu subur tapi hasil produksi bijinya melimpah.

  1. Pengolahan Lahan Budidaya Kacang Panjang


If conditions permit, make a parallel bed that leads east-west. This is useful for plants can be exposed to maximum sunlight. Make a bed with a size of 80 to 90 cm, with a height of 20 to 25 cm, special highland rice field beds 30 cm. Distance between beds about 40 to 50 cm while the length of beds adjust to the condition of the land.

Distance between beds is made wide enough to facilitate the maintenance and harvesting done in stages. In addition, the distance between beds also serves as a drainage channel, especially when the long beans are planted at the beginning of the rainy season. With the distance between beds will minimize the possibility of water flooding around the plant.

Fertilization is done at the beginning of making the bed that is by way of fertilizer mixed with the soil to be made bed. The recommended fertilizer for use is manure or compost fertilizer that has been cooked. The types of manure that can be used for long beans are cow dung, buffalo dung and goat dung. For manure from chicken manure is not recommended for use on this plant.

The use of manure can be made mixed or just one type only. For the mixture of manure can be mixed with a ratio of 1: 1. As for the type of one manure must be ensured that the dirt must be completely mature. For an area of ​​1 hectare usually requires about 20 tons per hectare. After fertilization, leave the soil for 4 to 5 days before the seeds are planted.

  1. Long Peanut Seed Cultivation


To plant long beans should be planted directly, do not need to be first. For the selection of quality seeds can be seen in the naked eye, the appearance of shiny seeds. When soaked with water the seeds will sink, if there are floating or floating should not be used for seeds. For maximum results can buy seeds in the farm shop, because the seeds have been tested by agencies associated with agriculture.

Spacing between plants is 40 cm, the distance between lines 30 cm. So in one bed there are 2 lines. Make a planting hole in a single way on each bed by observing the spacing. Then input 2-3 seeds of long beans each hole, cover back with the ground above it. For one hectare of land requires 50 kg.

Cultivation of long beans can be harvested when aged 45-50 days or about 2 months. Fruit that is ready to be harvested has the characteristic whitish green color. How to harvest is done by manually picked. Usually harvest crops can be done as much as 15-18 times in one planting time. For long bean production depends on several variables such as plant type, seed quality, and also maintenance method. For one hectare of land usually produce about 35 tons of long beans.


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