*** CASSAVA ***


This cassava dumplings are bun ...
Material :

  • 1 kg of cassava (small grated squeeze)
  • 1 grain of coconut (grated)
  • 1/4 g brown sugar
  • 5 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • sufficient salt
  • enough water
    -a little coconut milk
    -1 tablespoons flour aci / tapioca flour
  • pandanus paste / pandan leaves feeling
    How to make :
  • content: sugar mixture, grated coconut, salt, water (cook to become unti / enten)
  • mix the grated cassava salt, tapioca flour & a little coconut kara then put the dough on the lid of the pot (the line "pake my fork) omelet on the lid of the pot (cover the usual pan aja ya bun (jgn behind). pot contains water and ksh sarangannya yes ... steamed until cooked (5 mins) -the water in the pot hrs already hot
    -If it's mature lift & love unti then roll
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