Draw your own way, even if it is not possible, trust yourself

To every reader I tell you, my friend
You opened your eyes and life started ... Do you have a goal you seek to achieve ?! Or decided to remain on the sidelines of memories ...!

You are at the beginning of the path of secrets ... Will you walk away and sit aside and fear facing dangers ?!

Or will you arm yourself willingly and stand against the wind ..... You have decided to make your way to success to write your name in the broad pen in the book of life ....

Your life has begun, and the journey of success has begun. Do not say that the time is long and the life is long. Journey thousand miles begins with one step ....

Do not fear the waves of pain, storms of despair and thunder of failure, but stand up to her face and she will see that you have crossed her and realized success after her ..

Trust yourself and know that you are able to face everything that intercepts you, if you are confident in yourself and always remember that no matter how small you are, there are many great powers and energies inside you that you open a door for her will come out to be a certain good for you in the path of life, make sure that whatever your way is filled with thorns and obstacles, you will be able to Traversing that you have filled yourself with confidence and determination ....

Make the benevolence decorate you with luster, and glow fill your heart with it, and do not forget to burn the flame of hope in it in order to enlighten your insight ..

Be ambitious in your life whenever you take a step that you are not satisfied with, but I aspire to reach greater ones ...

Draw a smile on your face and the faces of others wherever you are. Your smile on the face of your brother is also charity, because the smile generates hope and hope that will push you towards the dream.

Be patient, without him, you will not cross a quarter of the way, and make despair kill your enemy wherever you find it and throw it with the arrows of hope ...

Speaking without action is the most dangerous thing that can face your journey. Don't say before you do. Let your actions precede your words ...

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