efficacy of betel leaf


Eliminate bad body odor. Mash a few pieces of betel leaf then apply the collision in the armpits. Do it regularly after bathing for bad body odor disappear.
Helps healing sore throat. Boil 4 pieces of betel leaf with 2 cups water until the remaining water only 1 cup. Then drink the stew regularly 2 times a day until you feel relieved from sore throat.
Prevent the emergence or treat acne. Mash a few pieces of betel leaf and apply a collision to the face of acne. Leave for 1 hour then wash with warm water until clean.
To treat sore eyes. Boil a sheet of betel leaves with half a glass of water to boil then let until the water becomes a bit cold. Apply the stew slowly to the sore eye.
Treating gum problems. Boil until boiling 3 cups water with 5/6 pieces of betel leaf. Strain, add salt, and gargle with the solution three times a day.
Treating bleeding gums. Boil until boiling 10 leaves with 5 glasses of water. Strain and use to rinse.
Eliminate bad breath. Boil until boiling 5/6 leaves with 2 glasses of water. Let until the water cools and strains. Use boiled water to rinse every morning and afternoon to keep the bad breath.
Solve whitish problems. You can boil some betel leaves with enough water to boil. Drink it every day on a regular basis. The stew can also be washed in the female organs.
Relieves itching on the skin. Tumbuklah betel leaf to taste until smooth and apply to the area of ​​skin that itch. Let until itching decreases.
Treating canker sores. Boil 3 pieces of betel leaf with 2 cups water until the water only 1 cup. Allow to become a hanga then gargle with water boiling it regularly until canker sores are healed.

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