Sunday Morning Ride (22.04.2018) Jombang - Mojokerto - Probolinggo - Besuki - Arak Arak - Bondowoso - Kawah Ijen - Banyuwangi (326 Km)

Swirled along Arak Arak - Bondowoso

I have long wanted to try to cross the Arak Arak - Bondowoso. I had time to browse about this path and have also accidentally seen coverage of this area in a private TV. In general, the picture that appears in the head of Arak Arak is a winding road, up and down, narrow and arid in the mountains. there is also a spice mood of quiet and prone as most people say.

Because the start of Jombang is still a bit early and the trip smoothly not stunted jammed in Pajarakan - Kraksaan like when leaving on Friday, I decided to try to pass in Arak Arak. from the main street of the Pantura at the Besuki junction go right past Suboh. Very surprise. The road is very smooth paved hotmix with a width of about 8 meters and the traffic is not too crowded. The scenery is very beautiful with a backdrop of mountains. The course is curving, slightly up and down. hill and derivative here according to me just being, not too high / steep.

On this trip I did not take much pictures. Even so the trip via Arak Arak and Kawah Ijen very cool to be enjoyed. very opposite to travel via Pantura (Situbondo - Asembagus) which tend to be boring, hot, lots of big vehicles and poor spot cool. The journey via Arak Arak and Kawah Ijen is quite cool, as many pass through mountains, forests and plantations.

came in Sempol I had stopped, took a photo of the mountain background of Mount Ijen that seemed puffing sulfur smoke. I never get tired of passing around this area.

for a hobby motor and start from Surabaya with the purpose of Banyuwangi I recommend to try Arak Arak and Kawah Ijen this. I noted the distance Banyuwangi - Jombang via Pantura when departing is 320 Km and Jombang - Banyuwangi distance via Arak Arak and Ijen Crater when returning distance 326 Km. Do not differ much in the distance, but it differs a lot in terms of satisfaction and impression .

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